Ottawa Citizen

Refugees caught in never-ending red tape


A powerful, successful plank in the Trudeau Liberals’ 2015 election platform was that, if they were elected, Canada would admit 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of that year. The new government did exactly that. Canadians across the country raised money to support refugees for their first year in Canada, a great example of how government and caring Canadians can cooperate.

But that wave of immigratio­n was followed by a ripple. The doors aren’t closed now, they’re just jammed tight with red tape once again.

Here in Barry’s Bay, population 1,200, our citizens organized, fundraised, identified a small family of four (with relatives in Ottawa), filled out all paperwork, met all government criteria and sat ready to welcome our family by July, 2016. The family was sitting in a refugee camp in Lebanon at that time and they remain there 18 months later, their lives still on hold, waiting for countless pieces of paper to fall into place. The latest official estimate is that our young couple with infant son and preschool brother will be kept waiting at least another year.

What happened to that efficient process that swept 25,000 carefully screened Syrian refugees into our country to great fanfare? How many other displaced Syrians who were promised entry into Canada years ago still have their lives “on hold”? How many communitie­s like ours are wondering why they emptied their pockets and opened their hearts but are still unable to welcome a family in need into their community?

The Trudeau government has let down not only refugees desperate to come to our country but also many Canadians who wish to welcome them.

Bob Ogilvie, Barry’s Bay, Member, Madawaska Valley Friends of New Canadians

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