Ottawa Citizen

Harper stumbled in India too


Re: The world is wondering whether Justin Trudeau just got snubbed in India, Feb. 20.

This article reports Conservati­ve MP Pierre Poilievre cheekily wishes Justin Trudeau “another wonderful vacation” because the prime minister brought his family along on a business trip to India.

Perhaps Poilievre should take a walk down memory lane to 2012 when his boss, Stephen Harper, went to India on a business trip. Harper also brought family. But more importantl­y, Harper had two armoured limousines and an armoured SUV flown to India at a cost to Canadian taxpayers of $1.2 million.

I’m pretty sure that the three little kids and wife who accompanie­d Trudeau didn’t cost Canadian taxpayers $1.2 million. Wendy Clyne, Ottawa

Trudeau, Advisers didn’t do homework

In reference to Justin Trudeau’s trip to India, I truly sympathize with the prime minister and his family for the lack of guidance they got on all aspects of the trip, including attire. The family has become a butt of jokes in the Indian media and the internatio­nal media call it a disaster.

Neither the prime minister nor his advisers did enough research on the politics of Punjab vis à vis India, vis à vis Canada. The PMO, which is now in damage-control mode, should have sorted out all the details in advance. Whoever set up the itinerary was clearly not thinking.

It is very sad that a trip such as this, which could have turned out to be fruitful, instead may have further soured relations between India and Canada. Jagjeet Sharma, Ottawa

Even socks Couldn’t have saved the PM

I fear this was mostly an extremely expensive vacation ploy funded by taxpayers, including Justin Trudeau’s beloved and often-cited middle class. Of course, his handlers will spin his meetings, most with the equivalent of small city mayors, as a significan­t advancemen­t of Canada’s internatio­nal progressiv­e trade agenda.

Would his socks, were he wearing any, have saved the day? Somehow, I think not. Eric R. Stephen, Ottawa

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House in New Delhi on Friday. Trudeau has taken heat for missteps he’s made in India.
SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House in New Delhi on Friday. Trudeau has taken heat for missteps he’s made in India.

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