Ottawa Citizen

Canadians are too tolerant of failure

From Trudeau’s trips to PC vote fiasco, Canadians are too tolerant of failure

- ANDREW COHEN Andrew Cohen is a journalist, professor and author of Two Days in June: John F. Kennedy and the 48 Hours That Made History.

Less than a month ago, the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Party of Ontario chose its new leader. The process was cloudy and chaotic. In a word, it was a fiasco.

At different stages in the electronic balloting, the two leading candidates — Doug Ford and Christine Elliott — cast doubt on the legitimacy of the contest.

Before he was declared the winner, Ford had warned of irregulari­ties, seeking an extension of the vote. According to the National Post, he called the process “corrupt, unfair and biased.”

When his victory was announced, though, Ford’s concerns vanished (much like those of Donald Trump, who questioned the integrity of the 2016 election until it made him president).

Elliott, having lost despite winning more votes than Ford — blame her party’s peculiar version of the electoral college — protested. In the complex voting system based on geography, her representa­tives “identified entire towns voting in the wrong riding.”

The point here isn’t who won. It is that no one seems terribly upset about this shambles — the latest example of Canada’s institutio­nal ineptitude.

We cannot seem to get things right these days. Once we saw things as a matter of confidence. Now we ask if things are a matter of competence.

Justin Trudeau’s visit to India was a disaster because his staff ignored advice on when to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and how to balance his time. They did not foresee the optics of Canada’s prime minister wearing more national outfits than a runway model. This followed a bad trip to China. A question: Who’s responsibl­e?

The federal government cannot fix the beleaguere­d Phoenix system (inherited from the Conservati­ves) to pay its employees. It could not organize the security for celebratio­ns in Ottawa on July 1; thousands were caught in long lines, in the rain, unable to get on Parliament Hill.

It could not unveil the National Holocaust Monument without controvers­y. It could not build the unfinished Collection­s Conservati­on Centre next to the Canada Science and Technology Museum without huge cost overruns. It cannot fill many senior administra­tive and judicial positions.

We continue to have a crumbling 24 Sussex Drive because no one will make a decision. It will take 10 years or so to renovate Centre Block, forcing Parliament to move. Why do other countries finish big projects faster?

The Conservati­ves made little progress on pipelines and it is likely the Liberals won’t either, despite their efforts. More broadly, funds for infrastruc­ture projects are slow to reach their destinatio­n.

The City of Ottawa, run by the most overrated mayor in Canada, cannot build things on time. It was hilariousl­y late on the pedestrian bridge over the Airport Parkway and it is late on the lightrail system, for which it will not penalize the contractor. Wait for the new central library — mistakenly planned for LeBreton Flats rather than downtown — to come in smaller, later and costlier than promised.

As for LeBreton Flats, don’t be surprised if its developmen­t is as disappoint­ing as Lansdowne Park, the once-in-a century opportunit­y the city squandered by putting up a shopping mall.

Noticed Ottawa’s potholes this spring ? Yes, we have winter. But why does this city have roads like a developing country? Inferior materials? Crooked contractor­s? Hopeless municipal staff ?

Incompeten­ce, incompeten­ce. Is it more common now than before? Perhaps.

True, government­s do not get credit for things that work — utilities that supply power and water, medical care that heals, pensions that are paid on time. These, government­s do well.

It is also true that government­s receive no applause for what we don’t see — such as Trudeau’s quiet, able management of the bilateral relationsh­ip with the mercurial Trump as NAFTA is renegotiat­ed.

Canada is a case study in focus and self-discipline.

When we see excellence in quality in business, we know it. There is a reason that Mercedes-Benz, EQ3, Apple, Enterprise Car Rental and L.L. Bean succeed; they have exacting standards of service that they apply relentless­ly.

Yet too many today have no standards at all.

We accept the results with polite resignatio­n.

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