Ottawa Citizen

Blatchford wrong on LGBTQ rights


Re: Blatchford: Living in a country where you daren’t be anything but gay friendly, April 4.

Did it occur to the author that it’s not the swinging ’60s anymore? That the “leaveme-alone, respect-my-privacy” early gay-rights movement has evolved, and that maybe — just maybe — the LGBTQ2 community is simply looking for the same level of visibility and inclusion that straight people, such as myself, have been able to enjoy for, I don’t know, our whole lives?

I don’t think it’s asking too much from us, as a society, to be respectful and tolerant. No one is trying to steamrolle­r anyone. Christie Blatchford’s article attempts to sell discrimina­tion to the masses, but we don’t have to answer the call.

Stop for a minute and empathize. Is it wrong for the University of Alberta to “celebrate” ensuring no one will again be fired based solely on their sexual orientatio­n? Is it wrong for Toronto’s LGBTQ2 community to grieve the loss of their friends and family who were targeted by a serial killer? I don’t think so.

We would do well to learn more from our LBGTQ2 friends, who know that few things in this world are strictly binary. It’s not about dividing society into “us” and “them” — no matter how hard some opinion columnists may try. It’s about making space for everyone, and respecting other people’s personal choices.

Dylan Barnabe, Ottawa

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