Ottawa Citizen

Informed public Better protected against threats

People’s right to know and be informed helps in protecting them against threats

- SHANNON GORMLEY Shannon Gormley is an Ottawa Citizen global affairs columnist and freelance journalist.

One year ago, the Court of Appeal for Ontario deftly summarized an error committed by both those who oppose and support the protection of journalist­s’ sources.

It summarized the error by making it.

“A free and vigorous press is essential to the proper functionin­g of a democracy,” it said. True enough.

“The protection of society from serious criminal activity is equally important to the maintenanc­e of a functionin­g democracy,” it said. Right again.

But then this: “Those fundamenta­l societal concerns can come into conflict.”

So it said in its decision to side with a safe public over an informed public by pretending they were in conflict rather than being one and the same, as they almost always are.

The Supreme Court may say the same of the same case, in which Vice Media continues to challenge the RCMP’s attempt to take reporter Ben Makuch’s communicat­ions with a selfdescri­bed Canadian ISIL terrorist without the journalist’s consent.

Whatever the Supreme Court says here, it is almost always incorrect to say that the protection of free expression is at odds with the protection of public safety. This does not prevent nearly everyone on nearly every side of nearly every such case from making the error.

On security matters, it is often assumed that we can either protect the public’s right to know or we can protect its right to live.

Would it not be more accurate to say that the public’s right to know is usually one of its strongest protection­s against threats to public safety? If the public does not have enough informatio­n about crime, violence and terrorism, it cannot make informed decisions about the policies and politician­s that are supposed to protect peoples’ lives.

One can almost forgive the stay-dumb-or-stay-safe fallacy more easily when it derives from cynical self-interest rather than ineptitude. It can at least serve law enforcemen­t’s interests, though usually not the public’s. It is less clear why journalist­s and their defenders don’t point out the obvious link between physical safety and informatio­n more clearly in cases such as this.

While my colleagues and I rarely tire of calling ourselves the guardians of democracy, we’re less confident in making a narrower argument that is no more inspired but no less true for being uninspirin­g: If the press is more free, the public is better armed against terrorists and violent criminals.

Of course, there may be rare exceptions to the standard positive relationsh­ip between a free media and a safe public. But the fact that anyone could consider the Vice case to be one such exception confirms that we don’t generally recognize the positive relationsh­ip between knowledge and safety at all.

The Vice reporter was communicat­ing in 2015 with a source believed to have travelled to Iraq or Syria to fight with ISIL. There is little chance of protecting the public from the source, as the source is reportedly dead. If the source isn’t dead, there is little chance of prosecutin­g him, as the source certainly isn’t in Canada.

And whether he is dead or outside the country, there is an even slimmer chance that the reporter’s materials, three years old, can foil a terror plot.

And so, some press freedom advocates argue that journalist­s’ privacy should be protected. Correct.

They argue that journalist­s shouldn’t be used as an arm of law enforcemen­t. Also correct.

But as long as we emphasize freedom of expression over enforcemen­t of the law, or enforcemen­t of the law over freedom of expression, we perpetuate the charade that more informatio­n doesn’t keep people more safe.

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