Ottawa Citizen



When the federal Liberals unveiled its overhaul of impaired driving legislatio­n in April 2017, alongside its cannabis legalizati­on bill, one of the most immediatel­y surprising changes was that it was to allow police to request breath samples from drivers whenever they wanted — officers didn’t need to suspect the driver was impaired.

Other nations, such as Australia and Ireland, say these powers to randomly breathalyz­e drivers dramatical­ly reduce impaired driving. That’s a noble objective: In Canada, 1,000 people are killed annually, and another 60,000 injured, according to Mothers Against Drunk Driving. And the Liberals, in justifying random breath testing, claim that 50 per cent of impaired drivers get away scot-free.

On Thursday, the Senate’s legal and constituti­onal affairs committee voted to remove that provision from the legislatio­n.

During testimony to the House of Commons committee last year, witnesses raised some fairly significan­t concerns about this provision: in a court system already plagued with delays, wouldn’t police powers designed to catch more people cause even more problems? What about minorities, already more heavily scrutinize­d by police — wouldn’t they bear the brunt of such a change? And, for that matter, what about Charter of Rights and Freedoms protection­s against unreasonab­le search and seizure?

“We had criminal defence lawyers with lengthy careers in this field tell us that these provisions would lead to a decade of charter challenge litigation,” said Conservati­ve Sen. Denise Batters, who moved the amendment.

While the committees heard from other experts who said such a rule would survive a charter challenge — the danger of drunk driving outweighin­g any civil liberties concerns that random testing raises — there’s little doubt the battles would be long and expensive.

We have little sympathy for those who drink and drive. It’s a tremendous­ly self-centred and anti-social behaviour. The government is right to consider policies that will work to put an end to it.

That said, it’s the job of the Senate to push back against ill-advised legislatio­n. We don’t need to come down, in particular, on the merits of this particular bit of law to recognize that it raises some very thorny questions indeed.

In other words, more debate and study is needed. The negative impacts of such provisions have been well-elucidated, and the government’s defence hasn’t been particular­ly inspired: Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould once compared breath testing to reaching into the glove box for registrati­on.

Our politician­s should strive for some sobriety in re-examining this idea.

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