Ottawa Citizen

In Ford family feud Both versions Are horrible

Both sides seem eager to haul this through court to prove which version is true


Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Leader Doug Ford suggested Tuesday his brother’s widow is accusing him of ripping off an estate that rightly belongs to her and her children as part of a blackmail plot.

“These statements are false, they’re without merit, it’ll be proven in court, and we just can’t figure out where this came from,” he said in a Toronto news conference, planned to show off local Tory candidates before Thursday’s election. “We just can’t figure it out. I’ll let the people decide. I’ll tell you, the lawyers say, ‘Pay up or we’re releasing it’, that’s just wrong. That’s just wrong to put a gun to someone’s head and say, ‘Pay up or we’re gonna release it’."

Renata Ford is the widow of Doug Ford’s late brother Rob Ford, the former Toronto mayor and city councillor. On Friday, she filed a lawsuit accusing Doug and a third brother, Randy Ford, of using the family fortune their father left in the three brothers’ care to prop up the family’s Deco labels and packaging business.

Deco is losing money because Doug and Randy Ford are mismanagin­g it, the lawsuit says, and to keep it going they’ve “plundered” holdings that rightly belong to Renata and her children with Rob Ford.

Doug Ford is also in charge of Rob’s estate, since he died of cancer in 2016, and the lawsuit says he’s kept Renata in the dark about what Rob left behind, withholdin­g even his life insurance and bank account.

She’s suing for $16.5 million, on behalf of herself and her children. None of the allegation­s has been proven in court.

After the suit became public, the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves were ready with a precisely worded statement from Doug Ford: “These claims relating to Deco are completely false and we will strongly refute them in court.”

They added a separate statement from family matriarch Diane Ford accusing Renata of having “serious struggles with addiction” and begging her to get help for her children’s sake.

Doug Ford’s a blusterer who loves big sweeping declaratio­ns, so when he’s exacting, there’s a reason. This line — this whole grotesque situation — invites careful scrutiny.

The obvious implicatio­n, not actually stated, is that Renata Ford and her lawyers are trying a form of extortion — threatenin­g to hurt Doug Ford’s political career unless he pays her off.

Another interpreta­tion that fits: Since court documents are public, all the lawyers did was say they’d file suit if Ford didn’t settle, which is how legal cases normally go. The timing is obviously harmful to Ford, but probably not as bad as if the case had been filed a week ago.

“We will deal with Mr. Ford in court, not in the media,” said one of Renata Ford’s lawyers, Don Jack of Toronto businessla­w firm Aird Berlis, when asked what led up to the filing.

(Jack, a lawyer since 1974, has represente­d a McCain heiress in a messy divorce from the president of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Also Jack Boultbee, a former lieutenant of Conrad Black at Hollinger Inc. And Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. in a mega-million-dollar case with Kanata’s Nordion over AECL’s supply of radioactiv­e medical isotopes. He’s not a slip-and-fall guy you turn up in a Google ad.)

Ford said he’s personally stung by the lawsuit.

“I’ve protected Renata in the toughest times, in front of the media, for the last, God knows how long, for the last 15 years I’ve taken care of her, both financiall­y and personally. I’ve bent over backward, gone through walls to protect Renata,” Doug Ford said Tuesday.

Rob Ford’s alcohol and drug abuse — which he and Doug vehemently denied for years before Rob suddenly admitted in 2013 to using crack in a drunken stupor — are well known. But in 2016, Doug Ford told Toronto Life magazine that his brother’s finances were fine, which proved to him Rob wasn’t a drug addict.

“I’m Rob’s executor and I saw his bank statements,” Doug Ford said then. “They’re healthy. You can’t have a healthy financial statement if you’re a drug addict.” There were no large withdrawal­s that suggested serious drug purchases, he added.

Rob, despite his problems, had jobs that paid six-figure salaries. He was also an heir to the same multimilli­on-dollar family fortune as his brothers. It’s not obvious that Renata Ford needed her brother-in-law to take care of her financiall­y, at least not while her husband was alive. Since then, if she was cut off from his assets, things might have been different.

If Renata Ford is telling the truth, she and the children are being ripped off by their uncles. If Doug Ford and Diane Ford are telling the truth, the children’s mother is an addict using them in an extortion plot. Both sides seem eager to haul the whole thing through court to prove which horrible version is true. The Ford family does nothing small.

 ?? CHRIS YOUNG/THE CANADIAN PRESS/FILES ?? Toronto Mayor Rob Ford stands with his wife Renata and children Doug and Stephanie after addressing the crowd at Ford Fest in Toronto in September 2014.
CHRIS YOUNG/THE CANADIAN PRESS/FILES Toronto Mayor Rob Ford stands with his wife Renata and children Doug and Stephanie after addressing the crowd at Ford Fest in Toronto in September 2014.
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