Ottawa Citizen

Bluesfest provides space for medical pot, tobacco smokers


Past and imminent future collided Thursday night in the small section of LeBreton Flats where tobacco and medical marijuana smokers enjoying the first night of Bluesfest were given permission to light up — an apparent first in the festival’s 24-year history.

In the decades since smoking has become anathema to public health, the spaces it’s permitted have dwindled. Those who’ve maintained a taste for tobacco are often required to partake in a furtive cigarette outside a venue, before or after the event takes place.

“We were talking about shows in the ’70s at the Civic Centre, in that small arena, and you needed a knife to cut the smoke,” Glen Bolivar, a lifelong tobacco smoker, recalled with a grimace.

He preferred this setup — a small, fenced-in area between the Civic and Claridge Homes stages, tucked in beside outhouses and a beer tent.

“This is nice, this is Ottawa. ‘Let’s give a nice spot for the smokers.’ ”

Pascal Vincent agreed — times have changed, and it’s for the best.

“I don’t even smoke in the house. Those days are gone. That was the seventies!” Bolivar said, laughing.

Among the concertgoe­rs holding cigarettes were a few individual­s smoking their prescripti­on marijuana in the designated area. They were required to show proof of prescripti­on upon entrance to the festival.

Thirty-year-old Austin Kenny toasted this reporter with his joint: “To a new era.”

It’s never been uncommon to see a concertgoe­r smoking pot in the crowd, he pointed out.

But doing so potentiall­y came with the risk of having your herb confiscate­d, being kicked to the curb by security, or facing an policeman’s eye-roll and ticket pad.

Carving out a demilitari­zed zone of sorts — there were signs at the entrance to the venue warning that smoking “of any kind” was prohibited and cause for ejection from the event — for medical users to consume without risking penalty makes sense, he said. Particular­ly given the way attitudes toward cannabis and harm-reduction are trending today.

“I think it’s actually a pretty big step in the right direction.”

The smoking mecca at Bluesfest was created, at least partly, in response to impending cannabis legalizati­on — officially slated for Oct. 17.

“It is a very hot and confusing topic right now, and these things will take time to sort out,” Mark Monahan, Bluesfest’s executive director, said.

For Meagan, an 18-year old medical marijuana user who didn’t want to give her last name, the accommodat­ion is greatly appreciate­d. She lives with post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health challenges.

“I’ve gone to a lot of festivals in the past where I can openly smoke my medical marijuana, but every

time I go to Bluesfest it’s like you’ve got to get it all into you before you show up.”

“It’s one thing if you need your cigarette break, but when you have an actual medical issue that you need to address, then it’s nice to actually be able to address it without having to go home or walk like five blocks or whatever.”

The convenienc­e factor was welcomed by most smokers — tobacco and cannabis — who were interviewe­d.

Bluesfest doesn’t allow in-andout privileges.

“As a heavy smoker, are you going to come spend seven hours and not have a cigarette?” asked Barclay Dupuis. “Not saying it’s not good for our health … “

Kenzie Davis pointed out that the new initiative is also a benefit for the non-smokers. Despite the prohibitio­n, people will inevitably still pull out cigarettes or joints at an outdoor concert like Bluesfest — offending others’ health and sensibilit­ies in the process.

“I don’t have to smoke in the crowd and affect other people withit.”

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