Ottawa Citizen

After the killdeers, what else can we move?

The Queensway? The White House? Let’s try it,

- says John M. Richardson. John M. Richardson is an Ottawa high school teacher and adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Education.

Avian moving experts successful­ly shifted a pair of killdeer birds and their four eggs 25 metres away from the Ottawa Bluesfest main stage. The experts transferre­d the eggs from their real nest into an artificial one. Once it was establishe­d that mama bird and papa bird had failed to notice the switcheroo, the experts then moved the new home at the rate of one metre every 15 to 20 minutes. The birds were none the wiser, and the eggs hatched soon after.

I had no idea that experts are standing by with artificial nests and incubators to move birds. Who know what other types of moving experts are out there, waiting in the wings?

I’m starting to wonder what else can be moved.

Here is my list of suggestion­s:

1. We should move the Queensway. No one likes the 417, which is often just a gigantic parking lot. It runs through the middle of our beautiful city like a scar, its location randomly picked decades ago because it was an old rail line. Now the Ministry of Transporta­tion is widening it in order to speed up travel times. We all know that more lanes lead to more cars and more congestion. Case in point: Toronto. Multilane behemoth highways lead away from the city, and yet on a recent drive home I was in stop-and-go traffic from the start of the Don Valley Parkway to the far side of Oshawa.

Of course, many people rely on the Queensway as a very slow and painful means of crawling back and forth to work. That is why we must move the Queensway away from its current location very, very slowly, so that no one will notice.

2. We should move the Ottawa Train Station back to the downtown. I love the idea of old steam trains puffing into the middle of the city past the Château Laurier, with or without its new extension. Getting to the current train station means driving on the Queensway which, as point one suggests, can no longer be relied upon. We are already building a light rail system. How hard can it be to bring passenger trains back to the heart of the nation’s capital?

3. We should move the White House. A lot of people dislike the White House’s current occupant. As far as I can tell, he dislikes the White House — why else would he spend every weekend in Florida? As a real estate developer, I am sure he would see the benefit of moving the White House to a picturesqu­e but very distant location. I’m thinking, the edge of a high cliff, a windswept shoal, or a deserted tropical island. Once the Executive Branch is relocated, we can quietly disconnect all means of communicat­ion and go back to enjoying our lives.

4. We should move the United States. I know, this one asks a lot of the experts, but if they can move a nesting killdeer, I don’t see why they can’t move a country. I love the United States. I have friends and family there, and I love going to Vermont for a long weekend in the fall. But really. The place is turning crazy.

A reality TV star with a bizarre penchant for dictators and a dubious past is running the country by stoking divisions and destroying alliances. Gun violence is so widespread that schools in Pennsylvan­ia have placed buckets of rocks in classrooms so that the kids can fend off attackers. And yet we share the world’s longest undefended border. Let’s just ask the experts to cut us adrift of our southern friends so that we can maintain a healthy distance. I know, we can’t offend them. That’s why the experts would have to work slowly. Very slowly.

Once the experts have accomplish­ed these four tasks, I’m going to invite them around to my backyard and ask them to help me move. It’s so darned hot these days, I can barely move out of my zero-gravity recliner.

Let’s just ask the experts to cut us adrift of our southern friends.

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