Ottawa Citizen

‘Silly season’ of summer isn’t so jovial for city cyclists

Geese must have a better PR department than cyclists, Lorraine Sommerfeld writes.


Ah, the summer silly season is upon us. It will be the best of times, it will be the worst of times, but it will always be interestin­g.

My son’s friend was an hour late leaving work the other day, as he desperatel­y tried to get a groundhog out of his engine compartmen­t. The creature had taken up residence sometime in the day, and no amount of banging on the hood or blasting the horn was convincing him to go find a different Critterbnb. As friends helpfully texted suggestion­s (“if he dies in there, does that mean we have an extra four weeks of summer?”) and I reminded him a passenger of that weight still needed a child seat, things got anticlimac­tic as the thing eventually waddled away, apparently unconcerne­d with the circus it had created.

I saw a video of an OPP officer assisting a gaggle of Canada geese across a major highway near my home a week ago. It was darling, this cop on a motorcycle dipsy doodling his ride to round them up to safety. Vehicles trapped in the wildlife shuffle slowed immediatel­y, that true Canadian kindness being used to protect the frailest among us.

Canada geese, of course, have a much better public relations department than cyclists and pedestrian­s, who continue to be mowed down by drivers who refuse to share our roadways with all its users, not just the cute ones. As Montreal becomes a worldclass city for cyclists, institutin­g protected routes and new and improved pilot programs, places like Toronto instead wring their hands before throwing them skyward, pretending we can do nothing about the carnage on our streets because of those who scream “but, war on cars!” and “Canadian cities can’t do cycling ” because after all, Montreal gets less snow than Toronto, right?

My city of Burlington, Ont., population about 200,000, did a pilot program with bike lanes delineated on a secondary fourlane road that shoots straight across the city. A section several kilometres long was narrowed to encourage and protect cyclists. The program was recently yanked and considered a thundering failure, in part because of the massive traffic tie-ups that ensued.

How massive? At peak rush hour, it added 90 seconds to an average commute. At all other times, it was an additional one to 16 seconds. Seconds. A few seconds which mean nothing unless, I guess, they’re your seconds, in which case they must be extraordin­arily long seconds. Seconds — that you spend sheltered from the weather in the comfort of your car — to add a tiny layer of protection to those who are also doing the getting around thing while not sheltered from the elements.

My town has crappy transit, but the drivers decided that an ever-growing segment of the population doesn’t deserve the protection and road use of bike lanes. As long as politician­s, who fight first and foremost for drivers and continue to paint cyclists and pedestrian­s as collateral damage, do nothing, we will continue to see more injuries and fatalities. Shame on them.

Let’s remember we’re all capable of taking care of each other and shouldn’t have to wait for politician­s to force us to respect everyone sharing our roads.

 ?? TIJANA MARTIN/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Cyclists make their way through a thundersto­rm in Toronto, a city doing little to aid those on two wheels.
TIJANA MARTIN/THE CANADIAN PRESS Cyclists make their way through a thundersto­rm in Toronto, a city doing little to aid those on two wheels.

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