Ottawa Citizen

Canada has nothing to apologize for


I don’t often agree with Justin Trudeau but this is an exception. As Canadians we have every right to speak about the need to respect human rights. Let the Saudi continue to live in the Stone Age where it is common to persecute the family of critics if you can’t otherwise silence them.

Recalling their students hurts them more than us. A recall leaves their valuable training incomplete and them unqualifie­d. Banning new Canadian business and selling off Canadian assets will again hurt them more.

Others will come for the smell of good investment deals to be had at a sell-off discount. We have our own oil and don’t need theirs. They have no clout. We should even put a freeze on their massive Canadian arms deal agreement until they pull in their blunt horns.

We have no need to apologize, retract, or express regret for advocating for human rights.

Leif Schonberg, Osgoode

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