Ottawa Citizen


An artist’s evolution


Tanya Evanson, a Montrealba­sed writer/educator and dancer, may not have survived her teen years if it wasn’t for the journal a friend gave her after a suicide attempt.

“I started writing, and it was a way to sort out what was going on inside,” Evanson said in a recent interview. “It was a wonderful mirror. It wasn’t necessaril­y that I loved poetry and wanted to write it, it was more of a survival mechanism. Poetry saved me, and continues to save me.”

Decades later, she’s thriving as a genre-blurring writer whose work goes well beyond the traditiona­l words on a page. A storytelle­r who also writes fiction and poetry, Evanson tours internatio­nally as a spoken-word performer and has released four albums.

The latest, Zenship, combines poetry, trance and jazz, and was inspired by Zen Buddism’s stages of progressio­n towards enlightenm­ent.

Of course, her work also includes words on pages. Evanson has self-published six books, and collaborat­ed with a publisher to put out Bothism, last year’s collection of her work. A new volume, Nouveau Griot, due for release Sept. 1, is a compilatio­n of the text from her four albums, including Zenship.

To round out her artistic practice, Evanson is also an arts educator in the spoken-word program at the Banff Centre, and has 15 years of training as a whirling dervish dancer.

She is in Ottawa on Friday to give a solo performanc­e as the special guest at this year’s OG500, a poetry slam that’s part of the House of PainT hip-hop festival.

Q Is your new book, Nouveau Griot, a way to wrap up the poetry chapter of your career before you move in a new direction?

A Yeah. I’m moving into fiction, but I think it’s also about playing with mediums. There are so many ways that we can release work. We can put out video poems or do live performanc­e or work with music. I’m interested in pushing those boundaries, and seeing how literature, and, by extension, orature, can be presented live. If we don’t push boundaries, what’s the point? It’s part of the work of the artist to reflect the times, ask questions, predict the future. I’m interested in different ways of doing that.

Q You began writing in a journal when you were a teenager. It’s a big jump to performing on stage. What was that journey like?

A The writing came out of necessity and survival, then it turned into a love. And then when I had to choose my discipline in university, I was going to go into medicine because psychiatry and the mind interest me. But I was always really bad at science. So I switched, and did creative writing and English lit at Concordia. And then people started inviting me to present my work, and the invitation­s just kept coming. My work had a natural orality to it that I didn’t realize until people started inviting me. I never went through the slam process.

Q You weren’t writing poetry with an ear to what it would sound like on stage?

A Not at all. I was writing because there was a need to write. And then I was crafting the writing so it wasn’t just a diary entry or a journal entry. Crafting and polishing. Getting a degree helped me to hone those skills, and then performing also helped me hone different skills.

Q Your writing must have been very personal in the beginning.

A Oh yes, but I think the themes that I explore are still about the human condition, because when something is too personal it sometimes isolates the reader. It has to be about the human being. I’m always interested in the human condition. I don’t write consciousl­y, I write from epiphany and then I craft.

Q What? You wait for an epiphany to hit before you write?

A Yes. It’s about whether you’re ready to capture it in that moment, and then what are you going to do with it afterwards.

Q What if it doesn’t hit?

A It happens. If epiphany doesn’t hit, you can always work on editing other pieces. You’re always doing something in the process. Either you’re editing, conceiving or reading. Or listening to music, or doing something completely different like going on a bicycle ride all day. Or going into the forest and letting the trees speak to you. There’s still discipline in allowing epiphany to come in.

Q Do you have any apprehensi­on about performing a piece that may be deeply personal?

A Public speaking is always going to have some fear connected to it for anyone who does it at any stage of their career. They will have a certain level of butterflie­s. But the work also wants to be shared so it’s about getting out of the way and letting the work speak. Have the confidence in your work. Do your rituals, drink your water, do your exercise and practise, practise, practise. There are no mistakes. If Beyoncé forgets a stanza, she doesn’t stop in the middle of the song to apologize to the audience. Poets will do that.

Q Any other advice for people who want to be poets?

A Well, either you’re a poet or you’re not. Who would choose that? It’s a crazy vocation. If you want to be rich and famous, maybe poetry is not the way for you.

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 ?? TEMMUZ ARSIRAY ?? Tanya Evanson began writing as a teenager when a friend gave her a journal.
TEMMUZ ARSIRAY Tanya Evanson began writing as a teenager when a friend gave her a journal.

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