Ottawa Citizen

Ontario municipali­ties ask: Who will foot bill?


With just weeks before legalizati­on of cannabis for recreation­al use takes effect across Canada, municipali­ties are raising concerns over how pot sales will be regulated and who will foot the bill for added policing and other costs.

In Ontario, cities likely won’t know until after this fall’s municipal elections how much time they have to decide whether to allow brick-and-mortar cannabis shops in their communitie­s, a provincial official told municipal leaders Wednesday.

The province’s Conservati­ve government announced last week that municipali­ties would be given a one-time opportunit­y to “opt out” of hosting retail pot outlets.

But a final opt-out date has not been set, said Nicole Stewart, who heads the provincial finance ministry ’s cannabis retail implementa­tion project.

That means newly elected municipal politician­s could have a very short window of time to decide if they want to allow pot shops in their communitie­s.

But even before then, candidates stumping for votes will have to decide if they support the opening of local cannabis stores.

“This has now made it an election issue,” said Joy Hulton, solicitor for the Regional Municipali­ty of York. “It doesn’t give (candidates) very much time to figure out what their position is, what their community wants.”

Ottawa city councillor and deputy mayor Mark Taylor, who is not running for re-election, predicted it could fast become a top issue for electors.

“I think what we’re going to quickly see is a question being asked to candidates all across Ontario as they knock on doors: ‘Are you in or are you out?”’ said Taylor, who moderated a panel discussion about legalized cannabis at the close of the Associatio­n of Municipali­ties of Ontario’s annual conference.

“Although it really hasn’t been an election issue to date, I think that’s going to change with the question that the province is really thrusting on municipali­ties.”

Municipal elections are to be held Oct. 22 in Ontario — five days after the federal Liberal government’s cannabis legalizati­on measures go into effect.

While municipali­ties can decide not to endorse private marijuana shops, provincial officials say they will be able to opt in at a later date.

Ontario residents 19 and over will be able to purchase cannabis online through the Ontario Cannabis Store as of Oct. 17, but sales at physical stores won’t start until April 2019.

In the meantime, the Ontario government has promised $40 million over two years to help defray the costs associated with the changing legal status of cannabis, such as policing and courts. Quebec has pledged $60 million over the same period to support municipal and regional government­s under its jurisdicti­on.

But so far, they are the only two provinces that have agreed to transfer some of the excise taxes from pot sales that the federal government has agreed to share, said Vicki-May Hamm, president of the Federation of Canadian Municipali­ties.

“It’s becoming a very urgent situation,” said Hamm, whose organizati­on has posted a checklist of sorts for municipali­ties outlining the many hurdles they face as cannabis legalizati­on comes closer to reality.

A police official told the AMO gathering that police services across the province will be ready for legalizati­on before Oct. 17.

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