Ottawa Citizen

Immigratio­n, refugee issues as divisive as they get

Immigratio­n and refugees likely to dominate the run-up to next federal election campaign


This is a heck of a way to kick off a federal election campaign.

You could say it started at a news conference Wednesday morning in Ottawa with Opposition immigratio­n critic Michelle Rempel and her fellow Conservati­ve, Treasury Board critic Gerard Deltell, during which failed Conservati­ve leadership candidate Maxime Bernier was traduced almost as vigorously as Justin Trudeau’s Liberals were.

Then again, you could say it was launched at a corn roast with south shore Liberals last Thursday in the sleepy parish municipali­ty of Sainte-Anne-de-Sabrevois. A happy moment in the Liberals’ Summer of Action, a way to celebrate the recruitmen­t of 30,000 new party members in Quebec over the past two years. What could possibly go wrong at an event like that?

Quite a lot, if your partisan dispositio­n leads you to apprehend the incident as a matter of Trudeau being exposed on video, arrogantly lashing out at an elderly woman in the crowd. The poor dear had merely asked him if his government intends to repay Quebec for the $146 million in costs associated with accommodat­ing the thousands of migrants Trudeau himself had, more or less, invited to illegally cross the U.S.-Canada border into Quebec over the past couple of years.

Or the event was a serendipit­ous triumph. For all to see, Trudeau refused to be browbeaten by a racist crank with shadowy affiliatio­ns to a semi-subterrane­an network of white-supremacis­t groupuscul­es that one can be invited to associate, however circuitous­ly, with senior figures in Andrew Scheer’s Conservati­ve party. And thus, Trudeau’s response to the heckler was an eloquent and passionate disquisiti­on on the politics of diversity and inclusiven­ess, to huzzahs all round.

Just as there are enough kernels of truth in both iterations of the incident, two competing views of the immigratio­n and refugee policy will now guide or obscure the path all the way to election day, Oct. 21, 2019.

Last Sunday afternoon in Montreal, where he was re-nominated to run in Papineau, Trudeau presented the general outline of the script the Liberals intend to read in hopes of securing a return to government. It’ll be all about building “the economy of tomorrow,” gender equality, the environmen­t, and all those other uplifting things that powered Trudeau’s majority government victory back in 2015.

“Despite the polarizati­on we see going on in the world around us ... staying positive, pulling people together, looking for ways to emphasize our common ground, our shared values among our difference­s, is the only way to build a stronger country, a stronger world ... together, let’s continue what we started.” In other words, it worked last time against Stephen Harper so let’s give it another shot in 2019 against Scheer.

During the 2015 election, Harper’s Conservati­ves, already on the back leg after a decade in office, just couldn’t shake the bad smell they kept giving off whenever they were confronted with questions related to ethnic diversity, multicultu­ralism, immigratio­n or refugees. Scheer’s big problem is the persistent impression that his party and his caucus are riven with xenophobes. On Wednesday, Rempel and Deltell set out to bury that caricature for good.

“First and foremost, Canada’s Conservati­ves recognize that Canada is a country that has been built by immigrants and First Nations alike who have worked hard to build Canada and its pluralism. Canada is and should remain ... a country that welcomes newcomers,” Rempel said. “The question is under what principles and what policies. The question is how, not if.”

Rempel ripped into the Trudeau government’s haphazard and heavily politicize­d approach to immigratio­n and refugees, promising that a government led by Scheer would oversee an immigratio­n system that is “fair, orderly and compassion­ate.”

Its focus would be on integratio­n and encouragin­g self-sufficienc­y in newcomers, along with the developmen­t of a humanitari­an system that prioritize­s “the world’s most vulnerable,” specifical­ly victims of crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes, and crimes of aggression. A Conservati­ve government would encourage greater use of the Private Sponsorshi­p of Refugees Program as well.

Fleshing it all out will require broad consultati­ons across the country, a “Pathway to Canada Tour” that will begin this fall. But this much is decided: “Dissemblin­g the permanency of Trudeau’s new immigratio­n program at Roxham Road (a major ‘irregular’ border crossing in Quebec) by closing the loophole in the Safe Third Country Agreement.”

If nothing else, the Conservati­ves’ move should get them past the immediate awkwardnes­s that arose after several Conservati­ve MPs expressed sympathy with the heckler in the corn roast video, Diane Blain, who turned out to be the same woman who made the news three years ago for loudly complainin­g that a veiled Muslim woman had attended to her at a University of Montreal dental clinic. And Blain is, indeed, associated with the far-right Quebec ethnonatio­nalist Storm Alliance, as well as with the Front Patriotiqu­e du Quebec.

As sordid as his loudest detractors may be, Trudeau is going to have a hard time sustaining the propositio­n that it’s only Conservati­ves who are resorting to the “politics of division” in all this. The ground Trudeau seems most eager to fight the Conservati­ves on is as divisive as it gets.

“By sweeping away legitimate questions on his failed border policy with vile personal insults, it is Trudeau himself who is guilty of polarizing the debate,” Scheer says. “No one has done more to divide Canadians than he has.” That’s lathering it on quite a bit. But it’s gotten so that it’s near to impossible just to establish the basis of a decent disagreeme­nt.

Is it really indulging in what Trudeau calls “the politics of fear” to simply notice that since February 2017, nearly 30,000 people have applied for refugee status by crossing the border “illegally” (however imprecise or unhelpful that term may be)?

It’s getting harder for provincial and municipal government­s to find places for those “irregular” claimants to live while they wait for their cases to be heard. Fewer than 5,000 of these claims have been processed so far, and fewer than half of them have been accepted as valid.

This may not constitute a “crisis” from a bureaucrat­ic standpoint, but most Canadians seem to think “crisis” describes the situation quite adequately. Three weeks ago, an Angus Reid Institute poll found that two-thirds of Canadians were content to call the illegal or irregular bordercros­sing situation a “crisis.” More worrisome for Trudeau’s Liberals is an Angus Reid Institute trend analysis released Tuesday that suggests Canadians are suddenly souring on immigratio­n altogether. It’s a good bet that the disorienti­ng jumble of competing narratives around immigratio­n, refugees and the Safe Third Country Agreement will be generating a great deal of smoke and fire in the lead-up to next October’s federal election, whether Canadians want this to be so or not.

In other words, it worked last time against Stephen Harper so let’s give it another shot in 2019 ...

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Opposition immigratio­n critic Michelle Rempel and Gerard Deltell, Treasury Board critic, told a news conference on Wednesday that the party would introduce a compassion­ate and orderly policy for newcomers.
SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS Opposition immigratio­n critic Michelle Rempel and Gerard Deltell, Treasury Board critic, told a news conference on Wednesday that the party would introduce a compassion­ate and orderly policy for newcomers.
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