Ottawa Citizen

Couillard faces stiff challenge as Liberals fight for second term


Philippe Couillard finds himself in a familiar spot as his Liberals begin their quest for a second consecutiv­e mandate: trailing in opinion polls.

As was the case early in the 2014 Quebec election campaign, they appear to be rooted in second place.

This time around, however, the dominant party is the Coalition Avenir Québec instead of the Parti Québécois.

But Couillard, 61, has given the impression of being upbeat in the run-up to what promises to be a tough 39-day campaign, which begins Thursday and ends Oct. 1.

“It’s never been easy for us Liberals. It never comes easy,” the neurosurge­on-turned-politician told reporters at a gathering of rookie candidates this week. “We always have to struggle, and fight for what we think we should do. And we always do.”

More than two dozen Liberals are not returning for this election, meaning new faces will pepper Couillard’s team.

Couillard’s own pre-campaign has had a mixed start with the sudden dumping of veteran backbenche­r François Ouimet in favour of former NHL player Enrico Ciccone, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth of electors in a Montreal riding that is a Liberal stronghold.

It had the Liberal leader on the defensive for a few days, with some questionin­g what Couillard’s word was worth after Ouimet said he had been told he would be allowed to run again.

The Liberals will be up against François Legault’s surging Coalition in a campaign in which independen­ce won’t be a defining issue. The sometimes dormant but never really dead issue of sovereignt­y surfaced in the 2014 election and helped derail the PQ campaign, paving the way for Couillard’s Liberals to win 70 of the province’s 125 ridings.

But if Couillard and the Liberals can learn something from 2014, it’s that campaigns can change on a dime, says longtime cabinet colleague Geoffrey Kelley, one of several prominent and veteran Liberals who will not run again.

Kelley says when he started out in 1994, the polls rarely moved: a Liberal-PQ horse race that saw each party start on roughly equal footing and battle for the 20 per cent of undecided voters.

“Now the whole system has changed a great deal and I think there’s more unpredicta­bility because there are free agents — if you want to call them that — in the electorate who’ll listen to a campaign and it’s important that a campaign be attentive to what those messages are that will attract those free agent voters,” Kelley said.

Couillard will campaign on the back of a robust Quebec economy chugging along and with the province’s financial books in order.

Some polls in recent weeks had Couillard in trouble in his home riding of Roberval, but he says it’s not weighing on him.

“I’m pretty convinced if I look at my seat, I’ve done so much for the riding, for the region,” he said recently. “I feel pretty confident, but nothing should be taken for granted. I will present my record and my proposals for the future.”

 ?? JACQUES BOISSINOT/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard is hoping his Liberals can win a second mandate on Oct. 1.
JACQUES BOISSINOT/THE CANADIAN PRESS Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard is hoping his Liberals can win a second mandate on Oct. 1.

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