Ottawa Citizen


Not in Ottawa, MacLeod insists


Ottawans who want a smaller city council won’t get it from the province, despite the “endless” calls they’ve made to Premier Doug Ford, senior cabinet minister Lisa MacLeod said Tuesday.

Ford is recalling the legislatur­e to pass a bill cutting the number of Toronto city councillor­s from 47 to 25 with an election fewer than two months away.

Monday, a judge struck down a law the legislatur­e passed to do it earlier this summer. The new version, the premier promises, will use the Constituti­on’s “notwithsta­nding clause” to make the cut anyway despite Judge Edward Belobaba’s ruling that it violates both candidates’ and voters’ rights to express their views and Torontonia­ns’ rights to be represente­d effectivel­y.

In an interview on Toronto radio later Monday, Ford volunteere­d that “I’m getting endless calls from the Ottawa region” to cut the number of city councillor­s here. Ottawa has 23 councillor­s in a city with about onethird of Toronto’s population.

“People may be calling. I know, having spoken with the premier’s office last night, that there’s zero intention to reduce the size of city council here,” MacLeod said at city hall, after giving a speech to a business breakfast.

MacLeod’s a veteran Nepean MPP, the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves’ top minister from Ottawa, and once an aide to Barrhaven Coun. Jan Harder. Her experience­s at Ottawa City Hall were formative, she told the board-oftrade people.

She said she’d given the size of Ottawa’s city council no thought. Then she shared her thoughts, which are that there’s no need for a Bill 5, a “Better Local Government Act,” for this city.

“I’ve always looked at Ottawa as very unique in this province, in the fact that we had a large amalgamati­on 20 years ago, we have very rural ridings, very diverse suburban ridings, and very urban, inner-core ridings that are very different,” she said. “We struggled in the early days, with amalgamati­on, as a result of the lack of understand­ing between urban and rural and suburban. So I think we’ve got a good opportunit­y to support this current size of council.”

Whereas Toronto’s council size is such an emergency the Constituti­on needs to be put aside so it can be fixed. The notwithsta­nding clause is Section 33 of the Charter of Rights, which allows the federal or provincial legislatur­es to pass laws that violate a range of rights the charter otherwise guarantees as long as they explicitly say that that’s what they’re doing.

Ontario has never used that power before but Ford said Monday he’ll use it again if judges strike down laws his government passes.

“No one else is the judge and jury with the people of Ontario, except for the people of Ontario,” Ford said.

Nobody mentioned shrinking city councils during the election campaign just last spring. The closest thing to it was a general promise to run government­s more efficientl­y, which is what every Tory turns to when asked where the mandate came from to do this particular thing. MacLeod did so Tuesday. “The Ford administra­tion campaigned on making government more affordable and more efficient,” she said.

So why does Toronto get a more affordable and efficient government but not Ottawa or Hamilton or Sudbury or Cornwall? There’s no principled answer because this is an explanatio­n jammed on top of the real reason, which is that Toronto city council, where he spent four unsatisfyi­ng years, bugs Doug Ford and the premier is the judge and jury with the people of Ontario now.

This is the challenge for a populist government: Populism is whatever “the people” want ... as determined by the leader of the governing party. If you aren’t him, you’re along for the ride. If using the notwithsta­nding clause becomes routine, it’ll remove just about all the constraint­s on Ontario’s new government-bywhatever-the-premier-notices.

This might make a lot of people uncomforta­ble, but the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves have swung from austerity-ism under Tim Hudak to centre-leftism under Patrick Brown to Dougism in four years. They hated carbon pricing, they made a carbon tax the centrepiec­e of their election platform, now they loathe carbon taxes with the fire of a million natural-gas flares. They’re flexible folks.

MacLeod wouldn’t add any detail to Ford’s theory of government Tuesday. The government’s facing charter challenges over its suspension of a sex-education curriculum that teaches children the proper words for their private parts and acknowledg­es that there are same-sex marriages and trans people. Let’s say a court agrees that there are constituti­onal problems with that move, would MacLeod support using the notwithsta­nding clause?

“The government made a decision yesterday that we’re going to support the notwithsta­nding clause for Bill 5. I have nothing more to add on the constituti­onal issues,” she replied.

What could she say? She doesn’t know what she might have to stand for next. Nobody in the party does. But they do know that whatever it is, they’re going to have to stand for it loud and proud because it’s what the people want.

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 ?? TONY CALDWELL ?? Lisa MacLeod at city hall Tuesday. MacLeod, a veteran Nepean MPP and cabinet minister, says there is no intention to reduce Ottawa’s city council despite Premier Doug Ford getting “endless” calls about it.
TONY CALDWELL Lisa MacLeod at city hall Tuesday. MacLeod, a veteran Nepean MPP and cabinet minister, says there is no intention to reduce Ottawa’s city council despite Premier Doug Ford getting “endless” calls about it.
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