Ottawa Citizen

Doucet must not jeopardize LRT funding

- MOHAMMED ADAM Mohammed Adam is an Ottawa writer.

There is considerab­le frustratio­n in the city at news that because of constructi­on delays, commuters won’t be riding the Confederat­ion Line LRT in November. The city says the builder, Rideau Transit Group, now will complete constructi­on by Nov. 30, and because of required safety tests of vehicles, tracks, computers and such, the trains won’t be running until sometime in the new year. Ottawa residents are right to be disappoint­ed because this latest setback follows an earlier six-month delay.

The delay comes days after mayoral candidate Clive Doucet unveiled a bold transit plan that includes renovation of the Prince of Wales Bridge and commuter rail from Ottawa to Smiths Falls and West Quebec. But then Doucet rained on his own parade by suggesting he would delay constructi­on of the $3.6-billion Stage 2 extension of the east-west Confederat­ion Line and north-south Trillium Line. He would do this to make sure the now-delayed first stage from Tunney’s Pasture to Blair worked properly.

“The city of Ottawa will speak,” he said. “The city of Ottawa will say, ‘Hey, we love this, let’s go ahead!’ Or they’ll say, “What did you do with my $2.3 billion?’ ”

Doucet’s plan to delay Stage 2 of the LRT didn’t make sense the day he announced it, and it doesn’t make sense today, even with the Stage 1 delay. After years of false starts, the city has already spoken with clear support for the inaugural Confederat­ion Line. It doesn’t need to speak again.

Doucet is at pains to point out that the delay he envisions would be for only a “couple of months,” but that’s cold comfort. What’s a couple of months: two, three, six months? And what are we going to learn in a few months?

You don’t fool around with funding from higher levels of government because you could lose it.

Major rail projects often have kinks in the system at the beginning and these have to be worked out. It has happened in cities from Denver to New York to Charlotte, N.C.

That is the nature of complex megaprojec­ts, and sometimes it takes more than a few months to fix problems. If it happens with the LRT, Doucet’s plan is what? Delay Stage 2 indefinite­ly?

The fact is this: A delay, however short, is a delay that could jeopardize the LRT project. The city has worked hard to secure funding commitment­s from federal and provincial government­s for Stage 2.

What does it mean if suddenly the mayor of the day says to them, “Hold on, we are not sure about this. We will get back to you?” How is that going to play?

Imagine Premier Doug Ford in his office hearing that Ottawa has decided to suspend its LRT expansion because the inaugural line is not working as expected. With Toronto and other cities looking for billions for their rail projects, why would Ford, or for that matter Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, indulge Ottawa? Provincial and federal money is always in hot demand and if Ottawa, which got the funding commitment­s because it had a shovel-ready plan, says it is holding on to those spades for a while, why would the money not go to a city that wants it now? You don’t fool around with funding from higher levels of government because you could lose it.

Doucet is worried about the tunnel, which he has long opposed. And he wasn’t happy with spending $2.3 billion on a 12-kilometre line. Many others weren’t happy as well, but that battle was lost and Doucet should look to the future, not the past. Yes, constructi­on of the tunnel and the undergroun­d station have been beset by problems, but such problems are not unique to Ottawa. When they happen, they get fixed. If the trains roll out next year and there are kinks in the system, we fix them and learn from our mistakes. We don’t delay a major extension and potentiall­y, jeopardize the funding.

Doucet has a fine plan to create Ottawa’s version of Toronto’s GO Train to help transform the capital and its environs. He is best served if he applies himself to it.

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