Ottawa Citizen

Invest in inclusive innovation

Report is a guide to a better way of doing good, write Craig and Marc Kielburger.

- Craig and Marc Kielburger are the co-founders of the WE movement, which includes WE Charity, ME to WE Social Enterprise and WE Day. For more dispatches from WE, check out WE Stories at

“Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” There’s wisdom in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s famous (paraphrase­d) dictum. Find a new way to accomplish a goal more efficientl­y and sustainabl­y, and you might spark a revolution.

So we were disappoint­ed, but not surprised, that a revolution­ary report released in August didn’t get more media attention. The recommenda­tions contained in Inclusive Innovation: New Ideas and New Partnershi­ps for Stronger Communitie­s could forever change how we do good in Canada.

“Amid the turbulence of trade negotiatio­ns and pipeline disputes, it sets out the steps by which Canada can become a more inclusive, sustainabl­e and innovative society,” says Stephen Huddart, president and CEO of the McConnell Foundation, which contribute­d to the report.

The idea of social enterprise — a for-profit business whose core mission is to address a social or environmen­tal issue — has caught fire globally in the new millennium. Countries like the United States and United Kingdom have for years invested heavily in laws and programs to encourage growth in the sector.

The U.K. is now home to 70,000 social enterprise­s — like prison based restaurant­s that employ and give career training to inmates, companies that provide affordable loans to low-income families, and socially responsibl­e supermarke­ts. In addition to tackling community challenges, they’ve generated more than $41 billion for the U.K. economy.

Although Canada has been identified as one of the world’s best countries for social entreprene­urs (a fact we can confirm, having founded our own social enterprise here), we lack the regulatory framework that would enable this valuable sector to truly flourish. The report recommenda­tions aim to change that.

One of the key report recommenda­tions calls for amending business registrati­on and tax laws to remove the regulatory hurdles for aspiring social entreprene­urs and existing non-profits that want to incorporat­e income-earning social enterprise­s into their work. Another recommenda­tion would promote social enterprise by requiring the federal government to consider social good in its procuremen­t process.

Even if you’re not an entreprene­ur, the recommenda­tions include opportunit­ies for all Canadians. Imagine taking that bundle you inherited from Grandma and, rather than locking it away in savings bonds, investing instead in a courier service that creates jobs for homeless youth, or a First Nations-run sustainabl­e salmon fishery?

Inclusive Innovation recommends creating a Social Finance Fund — like the U.K.’s Big Society Capital, or the U.S. Nonprofit Finance Fund — to build a market for social investment. “The recommenda­tions are designed to amplify and accelerate social innovation and social finance initiative­s already happening across Canada and demonstrat­e Canada’s leadership on the global stage,” says Tania Carnegie, chief impact officer of KPMG’s Impact Ventures practice.

Years ago, we had to forge our own path to create a social enterprise, a difficult task and laden with challenges. That’s why this report is so groundbrea­king: It represents an inspiring blueprint for a better way of doing good that will beat a path for a new generation of change-makers.

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