Ottawa Citizen

Election glitch highlights ‘Wild West’ of online voting


Online voters in 51 Ontario municipali­ties had either a few more hours or an extra day to vote after a 90-minute computer portal slowdown on election night.

Affected municipali­ties in Eastern Ontario included Renfrew, Laurentian Valley, Pembroke, Petawawa, Whitewater, Belleville and Kingston — all clients of Coloradoba­sed Dominion Voting.

Dominion is one of four companies that supplied Ontario municipali­ties with services in this municipal election.

On Monday night, Dominion posted a statement saying the glitch was the result of a Toronto co-location provider that placed an unauthoriz­ed limit on incoming voting traffic of about one-tenth of the system’s designated bandwidth.

The company was unaware of the glitch until it was alerted by the municipali­ties that are its customers. In those 90 minutes, voters experience­d slow response time and system timeouts.

This points to problems with the “Wild West” of online voting in Canada, said a cybersecur­ity expert.

“What happened to Dominion is the tip of the iceberg,” said Aleksander Essex, an assistant professor of software engineerin­g at Western University. “You think it’s bad when people have to vote the next day? We’ll see a nationstat­e deploying cyber operations against a democratic election. This is where it’s headed.”

Voters need to have a debate about where election data is living, who is handling it and the location of the server, he warned.

“It is a juicy source of informatio­n.”

The province doesn’t even keep track of which cities are using online voting, said Essex, who estimates that more than 40 per cent of Ontario’s 444 municipali­ties now offer it as an option. That number has roughly doubled with every recent election. In 2010, it was only 44 municipali­ties. That increased to 97 in 2014 and 194 this year. Compared with many other countries, Canada is in the “Dark Ages” of online voting, he said. While procedures for conducting an election using paper ballots are laid out in detail in the Municipal Elections Act, the same is not true for online elections. He points out, for example, that there is a procedure for declining a paper ballot. But some municipali­ties didn’t even think about how to do this with an online ballot.

“You have one standard for paper ballots in the Municipal Elections Act. Then you have 194 different procedures for online voting. We have to move beyond this. No one federally or provincial­ly will be able to rein in the municipali­ties.”

In the U.S. there is an agency called the Election Assistance Commission, which can advise jurisdicti­ons about standards and provide a list of certified suppliers. There is no Canadian counterpar­t, he said.

Essex feels the main issue is lack of transparen­cy. In the paper-ballot system, scrutineer­s can ask for a recount and see the results with their own eyes. That can’t be done in an online vote.

“Paper ballots are the baseline. We should change that for something that’s better, not worse.”

But Nicole Goodman, a politicals­cience professor at Brock University and the director of The Centre for e-Democracy, said there are benefits to online voting. On the local level, Canada has the most online voting activity in the world. About 70 per cent of Ontario municipali­ties have population­s of 10,000 or less.

Surprising­ly, online voting is more popular with older than younger voters — the average age of the online voter is 53, while the average age of the paper voter is 44.

Research on Ontario voters conducted by Goodman and Leah Stokes, a political scientist at the University of California Santa Barbara, found that online voting increased turnout in municipal elections by 3.5 percentage points between 2000 and 2014 and by 9.5 percentage points if voting by mail was not in place.

“I think the province can learn from municipali­ties and their decision to modernize,” Goodman said. “I think we’ll continue to see it because people want it. Municipali­ties are attuned to residents.”

Essex expects Dominion will investigat­e the election night glitch and produce a report for its municipal clients. But that doesn’t mean that it will share its conclusion­s with the electors — some informatio­n may be protected because it is proprietar­y, he said.

“This is an example of how the vendor is not accountabl­e to you, the voter. They’re responsibl­e to the client, who is the municipali­ty.” Essex has expressed his reservatio­ns about election cybersecur­ity in large cities, including Toronto.

“The larger you are, the bigger a target you are,” he said. Many small towns consider themselves to be at low risk, but Essex said few municipal administra­tors are experts in cybersecur­ity.

Five municipali­ties in Renfrew County, all Dominion clients, decided to “declare an emergency” under the Municipal Elections Act on Monday evening and extend the vote by 24 hours. Dean Sauriol, the chief returning officer for the township of Laurentian Valley, said that by mid-afternoon Tuesday, there were about 100 additional online votes.

This is the third election in which Laurentian Valley has allowed online voting. The township covers about 5,550 square kilometres around Pembroke. About 20 per cent of the 7,700 electors vote either online or by phone, he said.

The option gives voters an 11-day window to vote. It’s convenient for those who live far from a polling station and for seasonal residents.

Voters may also still opt to cast a paper ballot. While the glitch was inconvenie­nt, it has not soured Sauriol on online voting.

“It’s still a great way to vote,” he said. “We have done a lot of research. The companies have proven that cybersecur­ity is safe.”

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