Ottawa Citizen

LRT delays didn’t haunt election because voters ‘understand,’ mayor says


The largest infrastruc­ture project in Ottawa’s history is late, the city isn’t sure if it’ll recoup delay costs and no one knows when the trains will start carrying passengers on the $2.1-billion LRT system.

Yet, voters overwhelmi­ngly supported a third term for Mayor Jim Watson and returned most of the incumbent councillor­s to city hall in the municipal election on Monday. Seventeen of the 24 council members were re-elected. Four current councillor­s didn’t seek re-election.

Was Watson surprised his famous LRT slogan, “on time and on budget,” didn’t haunt him during the election campaign?

“No, not really, because I think people understand that I can get blamed for a lot of things but I don’t think the sinkhole is something I really had anything to do with,” Watson said Tuesday morning as he participat­ed in his traditiona­l morning-after sign wave, this time on busy Bronson Avenue during the commute.

The Rideau Street sinkhole in 2016 has been cited as the major cause for the LRT delay.

“That set us back quite a bit of time,” Watson said. “In terms of the ‘on budget,’ we do have a fixedprice contract. We are very much of the opinion that any cost overruns for our increased costs are the responsibi­lity of the private consortium, not the taxpayers of Ottawa.”

The city wants to recoup costs related to the delay from Rideau Transit Group, but the builder hasn’t agreed to the city’s demands. RTG is being penalized $1 million for missing the November deadline and the city will hold back payments if constructi­on milestones aren’t met.

On top of the cost overruns from the delay, there were city-requested add-ons to the LRT project that weren’t in the fixed price contract. The city calls it “incrementa­l” work.

The LRT system was originally scheduled to be ready for city commission­ing work last May 24. The deadline was pushed to Nov. 2, but that handover date also has been scrubbed. The best the city can estimate is that the LRT system will be ready in the first quarter of 2019.

Watson said he’s scheduled to be briefed by RTG in the next week or so to get a more definitive handover date.

Ideally, there will be more informatio­n in time for a Nov. 6 finance and economic developmen­t committee meeting. The committee has been responsibl­e for all things LRT. Committee meetings have been main communicat­ion vehicle for city constructi­on updates on the 12.5-kilometre rail line.

Launching the LRT line is a top priority, the mayor said.

“At this stage, it’s a preoccupat­ion,” Watson said.

“We want the train up and running. That was one of the things I heard loud and clear on the campaign trail. People are excited about LRT. They just want to see the trains start rolling.”

LRT isn’t the only thing on Watson’s mind as he prepares for a new council term, which begins Dec. 1. There will be seven new councillor­s and a 2019 budget that requires immediate attention.

Watson said he wants to get a sense of how the campaigns went for the incoming councillor­s and what they want to accomplish in their wards. With that informatio­n, he’ll start to write the 2019 budget with city staff.

The mayor also must decide on the makeup of the finance and economic developmen­t committee, whose membership traditiona­lly includes all committee chairs and deputy mayors.

Council eventually will approve the new membership for all committees and boards.

Watson, who intends to continue chairing the finance and economic developmen­t committee, said the first job is to find out where councillor­s want to serve. Planning committee, for example, has a large workload, with rezoning applicatio­ns usually hitting agendas every second week.

“You have to balance out geography, gender, language and expertise to make sure you have good representa­tion on the committees,” Watson said.

There’s also the matter of being the subject of a court applicatio­n accusing him of wrongfully blocking people on Twitter.

Watson wouldn’t address the allegation­s because they’re before the court, but he promised to not saddle property taxpayers with legal bills that might come from representa­tions on the lawsuit.

“There will be no costs to the taxpayers because of this issue,” Watson said. “That’s the last thing I would do.”

Three council incumbents lost their re-election bids: David Chernushen­ko, Shad Qadri and Michael Qaqish. All three had leadership roles on council.

Watson urged defeated incumbents to not take their election losses personally.

“My thoughts are with them because it’s a very public dismissal,” Watson said. “Most people who are dismissed from their jobs, it’s pretty confidenti­al and private and you move on. This is on the front page of the newspaper.”


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