Ottawa Citizen

Scholar sues over claims he slandered Poland


• A prominent Canadian historian said Friday he is suing a Polish organizati­on for libel after it waged a public campaign last year accusing him of slandering Poland’s good name for his work exploring Polish violence against Jews during the Second World War. Jan Grabowski, a Holocaust researcher and University of Ottawa professor, said he brought a lawsuit on Thursday against the Polish League Against Defamation, an organizati­on allied with Poland’s conservati­ve ruling party. The league didn’t immediatel­y respond to an email seeking comment. It accused Grabowski last year of ignoring the Poles who saved Jews during the Holocaust and of exaggerati­ng the number of Poles complicit in Jewish deaths. “During World War II, due to the demoralizi­ng circumstan­ces and German actions, it is true that vile-acting individual­s could be found among Poles and Jews alike,” the group wrote in a statement about the academic. “Yet, we should remember that the objective of the Germans was also to ‘eradicate the Polish nation’ and ’completely destroy Poland.’ ” The anti-defamation organizati­on has been part of a broader effort under the Law and Justice party-led government to challenge research on Polish participat­ion in the killing of Jews by Nazi Germany. Poland was under German occupation during the Second World War. “What is important, from my point of view, is that the militant nationalis­ts who nowadays hold sway in Poland be warned that they will be held to account, that they are wrong if they think that their outrageous statements and slanders will go unnoticed,” said Grabowski, who was born and attended university in Warsaw. Grabowski’s Hunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland documents the involvemen­t of Poles in one region in finding and killing Jews who had escaped from ghettos and tried to survive by hiding among non-Jews. It was awarded the 2014 Yad Vashem Internatio­nal Book Prize for Holocaust Research. The book also sparked heated debates, and the scholar says he received death threats after its publicatio­n. After a German newspaper reviewed the book favourably, a far-right Polish website ran an article with a photograph of the Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. The headline was “Sieg Heil, Herr Grabowski, Three Times Sieg Heil.” Grabowski successful­ly sued for libel.

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Jan Grabowski

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