Ottawa Citizen


Conservati­ve insiders say he’s failing to show decisive, dynamic leadership

- JOHN IVISON Email: jivison@nationalpo­ | Twitter: IvisonJ

When Andrew Scheer was elected leader of the Conservati­ve Party 18 months ago, I suggested it was a fair bet he would one day be prime minister.

“Short of a meltdown,” I suggested the odds were with him — of 22 Conservati­ve leaders since Confederat­ion, 13 went on to become prime minister. Scheer will be only 44 years old in 2023, by which time Canadians may have had their fill of sunny days.

But my thinking has evolved.

If the Conservati­ves win, or even hold Justin Trudeau to a minority, Scheer’s position is assured. Any other outcome leaves him vulnerable. There are simply too many Conservati­ves, in and out of caucus, complainin­g that he is failing to show decisive, dynamic leadership.

The election of Doug Ford in Ontario has done him few favours. The contrast is stark. Ford is brash and injudiciou­s but his larger-than-life personalit­y is eclipsing the apparently irresolute federal leader.

Ford’s recent decision not to fund a francophon­e university in the province highlighte­d Scheer’s shortcomin­gs as a leader. The federal Quebec caucus demanded the leader condemn the decision. Scheer, conscious that he will need the support of the Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ves in the coming election, gave a rather tepid response saying he had “concerns” with the decision.

One member of the Conservati­ve shadow cabinet contrasted the response with Stephen Harper’s decision to support Liberal legislatio­n to amend the Official Languages Act in 2005. Harper told caucus some members might have difficulty supporting the amendment that required the federal government to promote French-speaking minorities outside Quebec, but that they would do so to convince francophon­e voters the Conservati­ve Party could be trusted on language policy.

Not that Scheer can be Harper, any more than he can be Trudeau.

But he has emerged as a junior partner to Ford in Ontario, just as he has to Jason Kenney in Alberta. Kenney is said to have introduced Scheer as the newspaper-clippings guy from the Opposition Leader’s Office ( before being elected, the Conservati­ve leader worked in the correspond­ence unit of the OLO).

It may have been said in jest but it reflects a lack of peer-to-peer respect that still afflicts Scheer among those senior colleagues who toiled in the trenches of Harper’s cabinet while he sat on the backbench or in the Speaker’s chair.

“It’s problemati­c,” a senior member of Scheer’s shadow cabinet repeated over and over, while professing to have no clue as to how to fix the problem of his leadership.

The Conservati­ves were sitting pretty in the polls in the spring and through the summer — statistica­lly tied with the Liberals or even ahead. As fall has turned to winter, support has ticked lower, in some surveys falling below the psychologi­cal bar of 30 per cent. The concern is that this is not because a significan­t number of voters are defecting to Maxime Bernier’s new party. Rather, the worry is that the support is shifting to the Liberals, who are now more than 10 points up in some polls.

“Every MP is hearing: ‘Scheer needs to be strong, he needs to be out there’. And he is out there, but we are in an age where people want a fighter,” said the second shadow-cabinet member.

On any number of issues from the Canada Summer Jobs program to moving the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, the leadership’s position has been slow to emerge.

“They seem to be afraid to take a position on things that might go against provincial partners, and so speak out of both sides of their mouth,” one party insider said.

He said that the Opposition Leader’s Office is “somewhat chaotic and not well-organized.”

This is not a case of an internal rebellion by a disgruntle­d faction. Even those who are critical say that Scheer is thoughtful and considerat­e, and has fostered a strong camaraderi­e in caucus that easily weathered Bernier’s departure.

The leader is deemed to have performed well on certain issues — such as the drive to force the government to change the law on offenders such as child killer Terri-Lynne McClintic.

But there are fears that small victories on individual files are not translatin­g into broad support.

“I’m concerned there is no compelling narrative,” one well-respected Conservati­ve said. “We should have stuck to a continuous message for weeks on end. It’s only when we’re sick and tired of it that people out there start hearing it.”

He said he expected the leadership to pivot to a major platform-commitment this fall.

“I thought we’d put something in the window to get people enthused. But there’s nothing. We chase an issue and then we go down a rabbit hole.”

Before the party convention in Halifax in the summer, there was a suggestion Scheer would make an unabashed pitch to disgruntle­d Liberal voters to come over to a moderate Conservati­ve Party of the centre-right. But that pitch was not made and there has been little in what Scheer has said or done since then that might appeal to persuadabl­e Liberals.

The leader remains an unknown quantity to many Canadians — a Nanos Research tracking poll suggested more than one third of respondent­s are so unsure of his qualities they can’t rate him.

Scheer has been underestim­ated before — namely when he beat Lorne Nystrom to win a Regina seat the NDP veteran had held for 32 years.

But as one Conservati­ve veteran pointed out, the unwritten rule that leaders automatica­lly got two kicks at the can is a thing of the past in an age of social media and heightened partisansh­ip.

Would Scheer survive a leadership review if he loses the next election, I asked the second shadow cabinet member?

“I don’t think so. Someone would stick the knife in,” they replied. “It is problemati­c.”

 ?? JACK BOLAND ?? Federal Conservati­ve leader Andrew Scheer, left, isn’t being done any favours by Ontario Premier Doug Ford — who, despite his brash and injudiciou­s ways, has a larger-than-life personalit­y that is eclipsing that of the federal leader.
JACK BOLAND Federal Conservati­ve leader Andrew Scheer, left, isn’t being done any favours by Ontario Premier Doug Ford — who, despite his brash and injudiciou­s ways, has a larger-than-life personalit­y that is eclipsing that of the federal leader.
 ??  ?? Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer
 ??  ??

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