Ottawa Citizen



Makes: one loaf, 10 slices

1/2 cup (125 mL) rolled oats 1/2 cup (125 mL) thyme leaves, finely chopped

1/3 cup (80 mL) pumpkin seeds 2 tsp (10 mL) caraway seeds 2 tsp (10 mL) nigella seeds 3/4 cup (180 mL) all-purpose flour

2/3 cup (160 mL) plus 2 tbsp (30 mL) whole-wheat flour

2 tsp (10 mL) baking powder 1/4 tsp (1 mL) baking soda Salt

1 medium beet, peeled and finely grated (2 cups/500 mL) 2 large eggs

1/3 cup (80 mL) sunflower oil, plus 1 tbsp (15 mL) extra for greasing

1/3 cup (80 mL) sour cream 1 tbsp (15 mL) honey

3/4 oz (20 g) Parmesan, finely grated

4 1/4 oz (120 g) young and creamy goat cheese, roughly broken into 3/4-inch (2-cm) pieces

1. Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C). Grease an 8-by-4-inch (20-by-10-cm) loaf pan and line with parchment paper.

2. Mix the oats, thyme, pumpkin, caraway and nigella seeds in a small bowl. Put both flours into a separate bowl with the baking powder, baking soda and 3/4 tsp (4 mL) of salt.

3. Whisk to combine and aerate, then add the grated beet and all but 1 tbsp (15 mL) of the oat and seed mix. Don’t stir the mixture; just set it aside.

4. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, oil, sour cream, honey and Parmesan. Pour over the flour and beet mixture, then, using a spatula, mix to combine. Add the goat cheese and carefully fold through, trying not to break the pieces as you go.

5. Spread the mixture evenly into the prepared loaf pan and sprinkle with the remaining 1 tbsp (15 mL) of the oat and seed mix. Bake for 40 minutes, then cover tightly with foil and bake for another 40 minutes.

6. A skewer inserted into the middle will not come out completely clean, but it should not be too wet.

7. Remove from the oven and let stand for 5 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and invert the bread so it is resting seed side up. The exterior will be quite crisp and dark.

8. Cool for at least 20 minutes before slicing.

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