Ottawa Citizen

Police tackle armed man menacing mall shoppers


Ottawa police say officers armed with rifles tackled and arrested an armed man who was accosting people at a local mall Sunday during the peak of pre-Christmas shopping.

Police safely arrested and disarmed the man, who has not been identified, at Billings Bridge Shopping Centre after the incident at the mall and a nearby McDonald’s restaurant around 5 p.m. A firearm was recovered.

No shots were fired and no one was hurt, said police, who issued an alert “to allay any public concern.”

The incident began with a dispute between two people near the mall.

Then the suspect made his way to the shopping centre, police said.

There he is alleged to have told a number of people he had a firearm and showed it while threatenin­g them.

A store employee called 911 to say he saw a firearm on the person, sparking the police response.

“Obviously a number of people in the mall were quite frightened, seeing five or 10 police officers tackling a person and not knowing what happened,” Sgt. Peter Van Der Zander said.

“This person had a weapon on him and had accosted a number of different people.”

Ultimately he was tracked down near a drugstore in the mall.

Shopper James Grant Porter, 55, was sitting on a mall bench outside the pharmacy when he saw the man from behind as he was being tackled by police near the exit from the Independen­t.

“Tonight was pretty unreal,” said Porter, who saw police, rifles drawn, run into the mall through the main and grocery store entrances.

“It was a matter of seconds they got him down.

“Nobody got hurt. They said, ‘If you don’t calm down, you’re going to end up getting shot.’ ”

The weapon he had is now in police custody along with the accused, Van Der Zander said.

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