Ottawa Citizen

How ‘gender lens’ applies to budget

Jon Willing asks the city liaison for women and gender equity how scrutinizi­ng the draft budget in a new way might affect decisions.


Bay Coun. Theresa Kavanagh says there are areas across city operations that call for greater attention to gender equity, from affordable housing to snow clearing, to how much influence women have in municipal government.

“It’s such a large issue. I admit, I’ve never had a chance to have expertise in it except as a woman who’s just tried to get along and make my way through life. I’ve got that layperson outlook and I think it’s actually a benefit,” Kavanagh said Tuesday in an interview at her city hall office.

“As a school board trustee for eight years, who was it I was dealing with all the time? About 80 per cent of the time, I was dealing with women. It just reminds you who’s looking out, who’s doing the work, who was making that extra effort. It was interestin­g. They’re putting in their all.”

Kavanagh, the first city council liaison for women and gender equity in Ottawa, will be poring over more than $3 billion in proposed municipal spending after the city releases the 2019 draft budget on Wednesday.

She explained how she will scrutinize the draft budget through a “gender lens.”

Q Can you explain what a gender lens is?

A I think the simplest way is to look at it through the eyes of women in the community. In my ward, there’s a lot of seniors, for example, and I see their struggles. I’m also getting a lot of young mothers and their struggles. Right now, I’m hearing about sidewalks. Do you know I get more concerns about sidewalks than I do about roads? By and large, the sidewalk complaints tend to be more by women because they’re walking to the bus and they’re taking their kid to school more. It’s a generalisa­tion, but that’s the kind of lens you look at things through.

Q Why haven’t we been talking about applying a gender lens to the municipal government until recent years?

A I think it’s catching on that it’s needed. Other large cities are interested in this as well. It’s not just Ottawa. I’m not an expert enough to say whose is better, but it’s interestin­g to see that they’re putting that as a priority as well. We need to look at these things better because we just plop these things down and we’re not seeing how they’re being used.

Q You’ve only been a councillor for about two months, but are you already seeing ways to improve how we view city operations through a gender lens?

A I’m seeing that when I get a list of (city projects), and just being a woman myself and hearing my community, (staff ) are just going by a list that they’ve had and this doesn’t match up with what I’m hearing and what I see the need is. I’m really finding sometimes there’s a disconnect in terms of what people are saying they need. One of the biggest requests I receive is about sidewalks and that’s because I’m getting a lot of younger families moving into my area. The LRT means a lot more people are going to use transit, but it’s all about the accessibil­ity. I’m being very careful to make sure it’s accessible. It’s one thing to build the system, it’s another thing to get to it. Women have those extra responsibi­lities a lot of the time. I’m not saying all the time. But getting the kids off to school, when it’s weather like this, what do they do? I just got a whole bunch of concerns about sidewalks on their way to school.

Q When the draft budget is tabled Wednesday, with your councillor hat on, you’ll be looking for projects for Bay ward. With your women’s liaison hat on, what will you be looking for?

A I’m going to work with staff very closely because I need their expertise, knowing the department­s

better than I. I will put my layperson hat on and just say, how would I feel about this? Is this going to make my life better? Is this going to help me if I have two little kids I’m pulling along? What are you doing for me? Some (proposals) might be really great, but others, you didn’t have me in mind. It’s just putting myself in (residents’) shoes. I kind of have been in their shoes. I was a young mom and raised a couple of sons and had a husband, but I stayed at home for six years trying to get by and that wasn’t easy. Something we think we’re doing well on is pay equity, but it’s something we have to monitor all of the time.

Q How do you probe pay equity at city hall?

A The first thing you have to do is ask what the numbers are now and see if we can do better. The city is better than most. We’re one of the top employers. We do have a lot of women in senior management positions, that’s great. But can it be better? Probably. All of our boards and commission­s we’ve made with gender parity and that’s a good start, but we still have to put that gender lens on, too. Are these people looking at the issues in terms of making this a better city?

Q During a discussion at council last week, you brought up the issue of looking at city appointmen­ts through a gender lens. The question came up, should we be hiring everyone using a gender lens? Should we?

A Why not? I think we should. I wouldn’t hire (ward office staff ) if they were not people who are sympatheti­c to the needs out there and had a lens on of empathy and understand­ing what people are struggling with when they’re held back because of the system. There are little ways we can help and fix things. It’s about making more of a level playing field. We can be a good example.

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