Ottawa Citizen

Singh memoir opts for the personal over the political

NDP leader describes painful early life

- MAURA FORREST National Post­st

OTTAWA • There’s a gut-wrenching scene in Jagmeet Singh’s new memoir, Love & Courage, where he returns as a young lawyer to his father’s Windsor apartment, littered with empty liquor bottles and lottery tickets. Ravaged by years of alcoholism, his father weighs just 110 pounds and uses a walker to get around. Singh describes carrying his father to the bathroom and bathing him, while his father tries to make small talk. Before leaving, he moves to empty an open bottle of vodka on the kitchen counter, but his mother stops him. “Either he will die, or he will go to a hospital to live,” she tells him. “We can’t force him — it’s his choice.”

While Singh, leader of the federal NDP since October 2017, has previously alluded to having faced hardship during his youth, his surprising­ly intimate memoir opens a new window onto a youth that was at times heartbreak­ingly painful. He describes the racism and bullying that he faced as a young Sikh, a deeply disturbing episode of sexual abuse at the hands of a martial arts instructor, and the routine stops by police he faced as a young adult, which he attributes to racial profiling.

But the backbone of the story is Singh’s relationsh­ip with his father, and the alcoholism that tore the family apart and nearly killed him. In this book, released on the eve of an election campaign, Singh’s political career takes a back seat to a more intensely personal story. It’s hard to say whether it will persuade Canadians to vote for him — presumably the desired effect. But it does give new meaning to Singh’s signature political catchphras­e, “love and courage.” It must have taken a great deal of both to forgive the man who caused him so much pain, and to stand by him as he finally put his life back together. “That was the biggest struggle,” Singh told the National Post in an interview Monday. “That was the hardest thing in my life.”

The book ends with his reluctant decision to run for federal office in 2011, a campaign he lost by about 500 votes. An epilogue skims over his subsequent six years as an MPP for the Ontario New Democrats, and the final scene takes place on Oct. 1, 2017, the day he won the federal NDP leadership. There is no mention of anything that has taken place since then — nothing about the challenges he’s faced in the federal party’s poor fundraisin­g and dismal polling results, nor about his February byelection win in Burnaby South, which finally earned him a seat in the House of Commons. Those interested in what the NDP will offer voters this fall won’t find answers here.

This was a deliberate decision, Singh said, to offer something unexpected. “This is a unique opportunit­y where I can talk about why I care, and the struggles that I experience­d, and the shared struggles that many Canadians experience,” he said. “The ‘why’ behind the vision.”

Singh describes himself as the painfully shy child of an affluent family who frequently was bullied because of his skin colour and the head covering he wore, a precursor to the turban he adopted in his teens. He describes fighting other children, using skills he picked up in martial arts classes to defend himself, and childhood insults like “diaper head” later giving way to more serious slurs like “terrorist,” especially after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

One of the memoir’s most disturbing scenes takes place when Singh was still a young child, after his taekwondo instructor, Reginald Neilson, invited him to his house for a “special program.” The sexual abuse that followed, Singh claims, continued on a weekly basis until he quit training. He didn’t speak about what had happened for years afterward, and describes blaming himself for the abuse. Neilson has since died.

The backdrop to all of this is a home life that grew increasing­ly erratic as his father slipped further into drunkennes­s, which made him angry and volatile. He did eventually get sober, and it was after his family situation was more stable that Singh’s brother, Gurratan, began pushing him to enter politics. Both had worked as activists, calling for the 1984 riots in Punjab, during which thousands of Sikhs were killed, to be labelled a genocide, and condemning the practice of carding by police in the Toronto area. Singh said he was reluctant to jump into politics. “It was not something I wanted to do because of how uncertain life had been,” he said. “I didn’t want to enter a whole new phase of uncertaint­y when I had this really stable, good thing going.” Gurratan finally won out.

It remains to be seen how Singh’s story will be received by Canadians, many of whom still know little about him. But he is hoping, clearly, that voters will see something in his background that resonates.

“And so if that helps people see me as someone they can trust, that’s amazing,” he said. “But most importantl­y, if this book can make people’s lives better, then that’s the most important thing.”

 ?? COURTESY SIMON & SCHUSTER CANADA ?? Jagmeet Singh and his father Jagtaran Singh Dhaliwal.
COURTESY SIMON & SCHUSTER CANADA Jagmeet Singh and his father Jagtaran Singh Dhaliwal.

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