Ottawa Citizen

Premier attacks mentally ill who commit crimes

Ford again lashes out at schizophre­nic patient who killed his roommate in 2014


KITCHENER Ontario’s premier said Friday that people with mental illness who commit crimes should be in jail, calling a patient who had been detained at a mental health hospital for killing his roommate an “animal.”

Doug Ford teed off for a second time on the case of Zhebin Cong, who was found not criminally responsibl­e for killing his roommate with a meat cleaver in 2014.

Cong, who has schizophre­nia, was an in-patient at the secured forensic unit of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, but failed to return on July 3 from an unaccompan­ied trip into the community. City police have said he has left the country.

Last month Ford called in to a talk radio show to discuss the incident, calling the man a “nutcase.” The premier was criticized for that language, and, when asked Friday if he regretted it, he said not at all.

“It’s about time politician­s stop hiding behind podiums and being politicall­y correct,” Ford said. “He grabbed a meat cleaver and chopped up his roommate … just imagine if it was your daughter that this animal chopped up.”

Ford said federal laws needed to be tougher to deal with people like Cong.

“We’ve got to put these people away, and if they have mental health issues they can be dealt with in jail — simple as that,” he said. “I’m passionate about helping people who have true mental illness …. Stop sympathizi­ng with axe-wielding murderers and all this bleeding heart stuff.”

CAMH has announced an external review of procedures for granting passes and privileges as several patients have managed to walk away recently. An internal review is also underway.

The hospital has defended the use of community passes, describing them as an important part of the care a patient receives and that supports rehabilita­tion and recovery.

NDP critic Catherine Fife said Ford’s choice of words around mental illness was “shocking.”

“For him to just use the language around calling individual­s who suffer from mental illness animals is something that I never thought I would ever hear a premier say in the province of Ontario,” she said.

Fife also took issue with Ford saying he wants to help people with “true” mental illness.

“This is something that I truly have never seen from a leader, who would declare himself qualified to determine who really is mentally ill and who is not,” she said.

When people are found not criminally responsibl­e because of mental illness, review boards manage their cases.

I’m passionate about helping people who have true mental illness …. Stop sympathizi­ng with axe-wielding murderers and all this bleeding heart stuff.

The independen­t tribunals made up of at least five people, including at least one psychiatri­st, can order that the person remain detained in a hospital, with varying levels of privileges, release the person on a conditiona­l discharge or order an absolute discharge, based on risk.

The review board system lets people found not criminally responsibl­e into the community once they’re deemed ready for short periods of time under close supervisio­n to see how well they can cope. If they do well, they can be granted more privileges at subsequent hearings, step by step.

If they don’t fare well, the review board pulls the reins of supervisio­n a little tighter.

In Cong’s case, police have said CAMH told them he presented a low risk to public safety, but the review board said in its most recent decision in April that he continued to pose a significan­t threat to public safety.

Toronto police are also conducting a review.

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