Ottawa Citizen

Should federal leaders intervene on Quebec’s Bill 21?

The premier says it’s nobody else’s business. Wrong, argues Jack Jedwab.


At the very start of the election campaign, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not entirely dismiss the possibilit­y of some interventi­on on Quebec’s Bill 21. This prompted Quebec Premier François Legault to ask all party leaders to permanentl­y stay out of this purely provincial matter.

Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer was quick to heed the call, suggesting that it was not the place of the federal leaders to encroach on the province’s jurisdicti­on. Legault also secured support for his stand from provincial Liberal leadership front-runner Dominique Anglade (a former member of Legault’s political party) who echoed the premier’s view that any decision regarding Bill 21 — the province’s law banning many public servants from wearing religious symbols — had to be made by Quebecers only.

Quebec politician­s seemingly feel it is inappropri­ate for “outsiders” to involve themselves in the business of their province, and in particular when it comes to concerns expressed by “their” minorities. But they don’t always follow their own rule when it comes to other provinces.

The case that immediatel­y comes to mind is that of minority francophon­es in Ontario. In response to Premier Doug Ford’s regrettabl­e cuts to French-language services and the initial decision to drop government support for the creation of a French-language university in Toronto, Legault asked his Ontario counterpar­t to reverse course. Thankfully, Legault did not “stay out of it.” Indeed, he ultimately strengthen­ed the resolve of the Trudeau government to get involved in this “provincial matter” and that led to a pre-election agreement with the Ontario government to revive the French-language university. Unsurprisi­ngly, no Quebec officials raised any concern about federal encroachme­nt on behalf of Ontario’s French-language minorities — for the simple reason that they fully expected them to do so.

To his credit, there is consistenc­y in Conservati­ve leader Scheer’s position on Quebec’s

Bill 21 and on the issue of minority French language services in Ontario. He has described both cases as being within the jurisdicti­on of the respective provinces and thereby justified his decision not to intervene. On the issue of French-language services, Scheer concluded that “people in the next federal election will be voting on federal issues, and people in provincial elections are voting on provincial issues.” In short, he would no more tell Premier Ford what to do than he would Premier Legault when it comes to minorities in their respective provinces. He did insist, however, that his “support for official languages is unwavering” and that his position on francophon­e issues has been both “clear and strong.”

In last Thursday evening’s leadership debate, he took a similar stand. On the one hand, he said he would not intervene on Bill 21 but at the same time insisted that the Conservati­ves were the champions of individual rights. In other words, Scheer claims to be an outspoken defender of individual and minority rights in Canada, but not necessaril­y when such issues arise in Quebec and Ontario.

Some observers will object to the comparison between the rights of minority francophon­es in Ontario and the rights of religious minorities in Quebec. After all, many Quebecers will correctly affirm that there are constituti­onal commitment­s to protect the rights of minority language francophon­es, and a legislativ­e commitment to promote the vitality of these vulnerable communitie­s.

On the other hand, several Quebec pundits and politician­s will point out that religious minorities do not benefit from historic commitment­s. Minority religious groups in Quebec are rarely described as vulnerable and the relatively few amongst them who wear religious signs have been held up as a threat to the province’s majority. They should, however, still benefit from protection from the Quebec and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, Legault has insisted that no one’s rights are at risk with Bill 21. Yet he felt compelled to invoke the “notwithsta­nding” clause in the legislatio­n to override his province’s charter, and maintained that the law was strictly within the province’s purview.

But Bill 21 also overrides the freedom of religion provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights. Regrettabl­y, with their sights on either preserving or gaining votes in Quebec, our federal political leaders seem willing to look the other way with respect to Bill 21. With such inaction they imply, rather ironically, that the infringeme­nt on religious freedoms is happening in Quebec and not in Canada.

Jack Jedwab is president of the Associatio­n for Canadian Studies.

Quebec politician­s seemingly feel it is inappropri­ate for “outsiders” to involve themselves in the business of their province, and in particular when it comes to concerns expressed by “their” minorities.

Jack Jedwab, president of the Associatio­n for Canadian Studies

 ?? FRaNK GUNN/REUTERS ?? Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer, shown with Green party Leader Elizabeth May and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh last week, says Bill 21 is a provincial issue and federal leaders should stay out of it.
FRaNK GUNN/REUTERS Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer, shown with Green party Leader Elizabeth May and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh last week, says Bill 21 is a provincial issue and federal leaders should stay out of it.

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