Ottawa Citizen

Ailing couple kept apart for seven months


Charlie Diffin is an old basketball referee — a Hall of Famer, in fact — but is almost 90, frail and suffering from dementia.

So his daughter, Donna Bertrand, is blowing the whistle and calling this foul for him, and for her mother, Joan, 83.

“You think of them enduring all the ups and downs of life, 64 years together, and to be treated this way? I never imagined it would be like this.”

Bertrand, 58, is desperatel­y trying to reunite her parents under one roof after a trip to the hospital in March for a relatively minor matter triggered a cascade of events that have left them apart for close to seven months.

And now they’re both failing. Diffin, a legendary local referee who kept order on high school and university courts for 55 years, is now being cared for on a locked floor at Granite Ridge Care Community in Stittsvill­e. His wife Joan, meanwhile, is 25 kilometres away in Saint Vincent Hospital on Cambridge Street, getting by in a wheelchair as she struggles with severe depression.

Bertrand, an only child, now spends her days ferrying between the two health-care facilities and battling “the system” to find a suitable west-end location to reunite them in what could be their final months.

“Horrific,” she says of her experience. “People have no idea.”

Her parents lived in the same house in Nepean for 56 years, she said, and moved close to her in Richmond about six years ago as age-related problems began to crop up.

All was well for the first four years until her father’s memory loss became quite pronounced, she explained, but family was close by to help with food, basic care and errands.

On March 1, worried that Diffin’s sudden delirium was due to a urinary tract infection, she took him to the Queensway-Carleton Hospital.

“We were 100 per cent thinking he would be home in 48 hours or be sent home with a prescripti­on. But he never left.”

Bertrand said a so-called MOCA test (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) determined her father could not be discharged into a living situation where his spouse was not mobile or healthy enough to care for him properly. So Diffin became a patient on the Alternate Level of Care unit (where he paid $1,900 a month) until he was relocated to his own room at Granite about two weeks ago.

Joan, meanwhile, was admitted to Queensway-Carleton on April 4, also with a suspected infection, a side-effect of which was an inability to move her feet. She was eventually transferre­d to Saint Vincent for longer-term rehabilita­tion. But she is doing poorly, Bertrand says, and even deliberate­ly flung herself out of the wheelchair.

“My mother’s clearly given up. They need to be together.”

And this is where things get complicate­d, as Bertrand says she’s been trying to get the authoritie­s to place them together since May.

“You have to fight and it’s exhausting.”

She did admit workers at the Local Health Integratio­n Network have offered to move the couple to a handful of long-term care facilities, but at least one was in the east end and the others, in her opinion, were either badly located or had poor reputation­s. She has countered with a list of five facilities in either Stittsvill­e, Kanata or Barrhaven.

Bertrand, too, says workers pressure families to put their elderly loved one in a home that isn’t their preferred choice. Neither is there a great avenue of appeal, she added.

“I liken it to a fortress, and the social workers stand guard. They protect the LHIN.”

She says her mother is now at the top of the list to be transferre­d to Granite but it could take several weeks, she said.

“Six weeks does not sound like a long time, but I’m starting to panic.” Her father, already bone thin, is hardly eating anything and her mother is having delusional episodes, she says. She produced a letter, in fact, from Joan’s physician, Dr. Daniel Levine, that said her depression is “increasing­ly worse” and concludes:

“Due to her current state and condition, it would be imperative at this time that Mrs. Diffin be reunited with her husband, as this would provide significan­t assistance with her recovery.”

Charlie, who was inducted in the Ottawa Sports Hall of Fame in 2003, was in good spirits when we visited but sounded fatalistic about his future.

“I’ve had my fun and I’ve had a lot of people helping me.”

Bertrand says the criteria followed by the LHIN makes spousal reunificat­ion a priority in “crisis” cases. “To me, this is a crisis.”

On its website, the LHIN tells residents its goal is to reunite couples “as soon as possible” and it uses a ranking system to triage the waiting list. Those separated the longest, for instance, are to be offered beds first, though other factors — like availabili­ty, level of care and an individual’s health condition — are also in play. It reunites about 120 couples annually in its stable of 60 facilities and the average wait time is 40 to 50 days.

“I don’t want this to happen to another family,” said Bertrand, of her decision to go public. “This is just so wrong.”

To contact Kelly Egan, please call 613-726-5896 or email kegan@ kellyeganc­olumn

You have to fight and it’s exhausting . ... I liken it to a fortress, and the social workers stand guard. They protect the LHIN.

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 ?? ERROL McGIHON ?? Donna Bertrand and her father Charles Diffin pose for a picture Tuesday as Charles holds a wedding photo with his bride
Joan. Charles and Joan are being cared for in separate health- care facilities and Donna has been trying to get them reunited.
ERROL McGIHON Donna Bertrand and her father Charles Diffin pose for a picture Tuesday as Charles holds a wedding photo with his bride Joan. Charles and Joan are being cared for in separate health- care facilities and Donna has been trying to get them reunited.

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