Ottawa Citizen

‘This was all about the uniform’

EDMONTON Court hears final arguments in vehicle attacks


EDMONTON • Prosecutor­s argue Abdulahi Sharif intended to cause as much death and destructio­n as possible on the streets of Edmonton two years ago, but another lawyer said the jury should consider alternate theories.

The jury trying Sharif on 11 charges, including five counts of attempted murder, heard closing arguments Wednesday. For three weeks, they’ve listened to evidence from dozens of witnesses to the events of Sept. 30, 2017, when five people including a police officer were injured in a pair of alleged vehicle attacks.

During closing arguments, they heard theories on what that evidence means.

Chief Crown prosecutor Shelley Bykewich argued Sharif went to “extraordin­ary lengths to cause as much chaos, destructio­n and indiscrimi­nate death as possible in the city of Edmonton.”

“Despite the accused’s best efforts ... he failed to kill anyone.”

The Crown alleges Sharif, 32, struck Const. Mike Chernyk with his car as the officer stood at a traffic post outside Commonweal­th Stadium. Bykewich pointed to testimony from passersby who heard the engine of the white Chevy Malibu rev continuous­ly as it careened through Cherynk and into the officer’s cruiser.

Witnesses then saw a man exit the car and descend on the downed officer. The man first plunged a knife ineffectiv­ely into Chernyk’s body armour. He then stabbed at Chernyk’s face with one hand, while struggling to grab the officer’s gun with the other. Chernyk eventually gained the upper hand and the man fled.

Bykewich argued the accused’s intent was to provoke a response by killing a police officer. “This was all about the uniform,” she said. She said he was still in the area three hours later, when he was spotted at a police traffic checkpoint behind the wheel of a 15-foot U-Haul.

Sharif is self-represente­d, and has declined to cross-examine any of the Crown’s 41 witnesses. He also declined to call evidence or testify himself.

To assist in the case, the court appointed a veteran criminal defence lawyer as amicus curiae, Latin for friend of the court.

In a submission Wednesday, lawyer Greg Lazin, who stressed he is not Sharif’s counsel, said the Crown argued the fact the U-Haul turned west showed the driver intended to go to the heart of the city and cause as much damage as possible.

Lazin suggested the jury ought to take a close look at that evidence.

“The U-Haul to this point has demonstrat­ed behaviour that the Crown suggests proves one thing,” he said. “You may want to consider whether the U-Haul is simply looking for the easiest method of escape.”

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