Ottawa Citizen

Taking a leap



★★★ 1/2 out of 5 Cast: Bartosz Bielenia, Eliza Rycembel Director: Jan Komasa Duration: 1 h 55 m

Growing up Catholic, I harboured a childhood fantasy. Sitting in mass every Sunday, I had like an actor in a long-running play memorized not only the congregant­s’ lines but the priest’s as well. And my young mind thought: What if Father O’Brien took ill? What if they needed someone to officiate? Why, I could step up and do it!

This is basically the situation that befalls a young ex-con in Corpus Christi, a darkly funny drama and Poland’s submission to the best internatio­nal feature film category at the most recent Oscars. And like many a dream come true, it proves to be both a blessing and a curse.

When we first meet Daniel (Bartosz Bielenia), the 20-year-old is in detention for an unspecifie­d crime. During his sentence he has become close to the prison chaplain and wants to follow in the man’s footsteps, but the priest tells him that as an ex-con he can’t pursue a seminary education. Paroled, he is sent across the country to work in a sawmill in a small town. Through a series of misunderst­andings, Daniel is mistaken for a priest and taken to meet the local vicar — who then takes ill and leaves for treatment. Daniel, calling himself Father Tomasz, agrees to step in, delivering sermons he remembers from jail, and taking confession with his phone open to a website guide to the sacraments. To the parishione­r who hit her little boy for smoking, he tells her to buy him a pack of strong cigarettes to convince him to stop. What about my penance? she asks. Oh yeah, take him out for a bike ride.

The movie could continue to have fun with the idea of an amateur clergyman shaking up a sleepy town, but “Father Tomasz’s” new parish is also weighed down by a recent tragedy — a car crash that killed six local youths. The subsequent guilt and recriminat­ion has split the town.

Director Jan Komasa, “inspired by real events” according to the film’s opening credits, holds back from judgment and lets the story unfold in a naturalist­ic way. What are viewers to make of Daniel? Is he using his new position as a form of therapy? Maybe, but he’s clearly having an impact on the town that the former priest never managed, even if some of his comments are, um, unorthodox. “Celibacy is pointless,” he tells a group of young people. “God had a kid and no one gets at him.”

Much of the tension in the film comes from the knowledge that this ruse cannot continue indefinite­ly. Daniel makes an enemy of the town’s mayor, who wishes he’d stop stirring up emotions around the road accident. The church caretaker has her suspicions, while her daughter (Eliza Rycembel), struck by Daniel’s charisma, harbours romantic feelings that would be wrong if he were a priest — but he’s not, is he? On the one hand, the answer is a clear no. But Corpus Christi makes the sly argument that holiness is as much a state of mind as one of ordainment.

Watching Daniel on the altar, receiving a round of applause for his sermon and spontaneou­sly throwing holy water into the air, he seems the very embodiment of that most elusive condition: faith.

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