Ottawa Citizen



Case to test provinces’ power


After a woman was initially barred from entering Newfoundla­nd to attend her mother's funeral, she and the Canadian Civil Liberties Associatio­n are heading to court to argue whether the ban on non-essential travel into the province violates Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The case will be a test of just how far provinces can go, during the COVID-19 pandemic, as they exercise emergency powers to prevent Canadians from moving from one province to another.

“We recognize the uncharted territory that we're in, and that government­s are grappling with really significan­t and new challenges,” said Cara Zwibel, the CCLA's Fundamenta­l Freedoms Program Director. “But there does have to be some accountabi­lity. There has to be some requiremen­t when you're restrictin­g people's rights to justify why we're doing that, and saying 'better safe than sorry' is not sufficient for the purposes of constituti­onal rights. We need some evidence.”

The court challenge targets Newfoundla­nd's order prohibitin­g non-residents from entering the province at all unless they're doing work deemed essential, such as for the food supply chain. The challenge also targets the legislatio­n granting police new powers to enforce the health order, including removing non-residents from the province.

A non-resident can apply for an exemption, but that didn't work for Kate Taylor, who's originally from Newfoundla­nd but now lives in Halifax. After her mother suddenly passed away, she was rejected for an exemption to attend the funeral despite having a plan for 14 days of self-isolation. The exemption was eventually granted after Taylor went public with her story.

“The claim alleges that the province's travel ban and new enforcemen­t powers violate sections 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and cannot be justified,” said the CCLA's news release. “In addition, the travel ban is not within the competence of the provincial government.”

Lawyers for Taylor and the CCLA are acting pro bono and are not seeking costs from the province.

Although many provinces have some level of public health travel restrictio­ns in place, such as mandating 14 days of self-isolation for anyone entering the province, Zwibel said the strictest travel bans that she's aware of are in Newfoundla­nd, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and the three territorie­s.

Those jurisdicti­ons have very few COVID-19 cases and are trying to keep it that way, but she said that doesn’t give them free rein to infringe rights. If there are less restrictiv­e ways to reach public health goals, such as what other provinces are doing, those should be used first, Zwibel said.

“There has to be some rigour when government­s are taking these steps,” she said. “Because the ‘better safe than sorry’ rationale, taken to its logical conclusion, can really justify an awful lot. I don’t think that’s the kind of place we want to be. I don’t like to sound like an extremist, but ‘better safe than sorry’ is the justificat­ion for a police state.”

She said another problem with the bans is that they’re unclear in practice.

“We use this term of essential travel or essential business as if it has some clear, permanent definition, but there’s a lot of discretion that can be exercised in deciding what’s essential,” she said. “I think there’s been a pretty clear privilegin­g of economic activity over social activity . ... After two months of settling into this world of isolation, I think that at some point seeing your family does become essential for people’s mental health and well-being.”

The charter’s Section 1 allows for reasonable limits on rights if such measures can be justified in a democratic society. The big question is whether provincial travel bans during a pandemic qualify, especially given that the pandemic continues to change in severity.

Kerri Froc, a law professor at the University of New Brunswick, said she can’t speak for other provinces but she believes New Brunswick’s order banning non-essential travel into the province would likely withstand charter scrutiny.

She said it depends which section of the charter you’re talking about, but the one most directly at stake is the right of Canadians to move to, take up residence in, and pursue a livelihood in any province.

“Section 6(2) of the charter is the right most relevant here, and it is purely an economic right,” she said. “The history underscore­s that it was meant to ensure economic opportunit­ies were distribute­d equally to Canadians. It probably doesn’t cover purely personal travel.”

She said it’s a more complicate­d question whether the order discrimina­tes against non-residents of New Brunswick, but it may be justified because other areas are seeing a higher level of contagion.

Ultimately, it all comes down to whether a province can justify the travel ban as a reasonable limit on a charter right.

“In the context of a health pandemic and the need to distance population­s, I would imagine courts would give government­s massive deference in that analysis,” Froc said. “That deference has a limit and at some point extension of the emergency order starts to look unreasonab­le and unjustifia­ble under Section 1. We aren’t there yet.”

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