Ottawa Citizen

Demand high at text service for women living with violence


Organizers in Ottawa report they’ve received double the demand they expected with more than 300 people using a secure text and online chat service launched to help women living with domestic violence and abuse during the COVID -19 pandemic.

“The number of chats/texts to the line is much higher than expected,” Interval House of Ottawa executive director Keri Lewis said in a release. “I was particular­ly surprised by the dozens of folks who reached out to ask for advice on how to support a family member or friend they are concerned about and who they suspect are living with abuse.”

Unsafe at Home Ottawa was launched April 14 by Crime Prevention Ottawa, the Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women, Interval House of Ottawa, the Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre and Ottawa Victim Services, with help from city police.

One-third of 308 chats sought help with planning ways to stay safe — including two individual­s who were helped to leave a violent situation — while another third had other needs, such as friends or family seeking advice.

One in five needed emotional support. Other supports sought included help with basic needs and legal advice.

“We knew as front-line workers that there was an issue when the demand for our services was collective­ly lower when the pandemic first started,” Ottawa Victim Services executive director Melissa Heimerl said.

The demand shows “the need for survivors to have a secure, confidenti­al means to still reach out for support while being in isolation.”

Unsafe at Home Ottawa is available seven days a week from 8:30 a.m. to midnight. Visit unsafeatho­ for details.

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