Ottawa Citizen

A SUMMER WITHOUT CAMP Families of autistic children lose respite


Melanie Groulx has severe autism. After years of hard work, the 17-year-old is able to string together two- and three-word sentences.

Melanie may lack verbal skills, but she is intensely attuned to schedules. Since March 12, there has been none of the things she expects to happen. No Saturday Fun Club, no school.

And now, maybe, no Kaleidosco­pe, a summer day program for families of children with autism that offers fun for the children and respite for their families.

“Melanie lives and breathes by the calendar,” said her mother, Carrie Groulx. “And now every week has a line through it that says ‘cancelled.’ I’m trying to give her something that she can hold on to.”

Children at Risk, the charity that runs Kaleidosco­pe, had everything it needed to run the program right down to the funding.

The bad news came two weeks ago when the Ottawa Catholic School Board, which had offered Kaleidosco­pe free rent for the past nine years, told Children at Risk that due to COVID-19, the board would not be allowing community use of space in its schools.

Now Children at Risk is scrambling to find a new location for the program.

Executive director Brenda Reisch has been hanging on to the hope that the program can still go ahead as the province opens up, allowing for small groups to gather if a new location can be found. Staffing wouldn’t be a problem as Reisch gets 10 job applicatio­ns a day, she said.

Kaleidosco­pe has a ratio of one staff member for every child. She believes it will be possible to keep groups separated and dedicate a “hygiene team” to disinfect surfaces.

“We can’t let the program go. Families are suffering. The children are suffering,” said Reisch, whose 27-year-old son had autism.

She has been reaching out to other organizati­ons, gyms and churches, anyone who might have the space to run the program.

“I’m trying to think outside the box. There has to be a building out there that suits us.”

The pandemic has been hard enough to understand for most people. It’s even harder to grasp for people with autism, said Carrie Groulx.

In the past, Carrie used “Oops” as a way to signal to Melanie that something on her calendar had to be reschedule­d because of weather or other unforeseen circumstan­ces. Melanie has now learned a dreaded new word: cancelled.

“At first she would just walk past the calendar and burst into tears,” Carrie said. “She’s attached to things that are familiar. The familiarit­y of Kaleidosco­pe to her meant fun times and no demands. Trips to the beach, riding a plasma car on the gym floor, jumping on a trampoline.”

Summer opportunit­ies for the families of children with autism have evaporated in recent weeks.

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board has cancelled its summer camps, including the summer learning program for students with autism and developmen­tal delays.

Last month, CHEO announced that it was introducin­g emergency respite services for families but only until early summer when the program will be re-evaluated. The sessions are allotted in four- to sixhour blocks and can accommodat­e only 35 children a week.

A disproport­ionate number of people with autistic children are single parents who desperatel­y need some time away from their children, Carrie said. And two-parent families also need respite.

Reisch estimates that Kaleidosco­pe served 150 families every summer. Some children attended for only one week; others signed up for all five weeks.

Children at Risk has already had to put its weekend respite program on hold. Between Kaleidosco­pe and cancelled programs and camps run by other organizati­ons, hundreds of families will be missing out on respite, Reisch said.

“Families have been hanging in by their fingernail­s. They have been doing it since before March break. If you have breaks, you can make it through. If you don’t, it’s tough. There is next to nothing out there.”

Kaleidosco­pe offered respite for both Melanie and her family.

Melanie can sometimes have violent outbursts when she becomes frustrated, said her mother. She needs to be supervised at all times and also suffers from anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

For the past 10 weeks, Melanie has spent a lot of time on her exercise ball listening to music. There are occasional excursions outdoors. But Melanie doesn’t understand physical distancing and she has rarely gone beyond the boundaries of her family’s Kanata home since mid-March.

“All of the cancellati­ons have been like a knife to the heart. Again and again and again,” said Carrie, who has been diagnosed with cancer and is awaiting news of when surgery will be scheduled.

“My daughter is a beautiful girl. And she’s happy. If you say, ‘Saturday Fun Club,’ you should see the smile on her face.”

There have been a lot of announceme­nts for funding from different levels of government, Carrie notes. “Money can pay for respite. But if you don’t have the place, it doesn’t do any good.”

Families have been hanging in by their fingernail­s ... if you have breaks, you can make it through. If you don’t, it’s tough.

 ?? ASHLEY FRASER ?? Carrie Groulx says her 17-year-old daughter Melanie has watched helplessly as the novel coronaviru­s pandemic has led to cancellati­ons of the events and programs she looks forward to each week. And now Kaleidosco­pe, a summer day camp, has been left without a facility.
ASHLEY FRASER Carrie Groulx says her 17-year-old daughter Melanie has watched helplessly as the novel coronaviru­s pandemic has led to cancellati­ons of the events and programs she looks forward to each week. And now Kaleidosco­pe, a summer day camp, has been left without a facility.
 ?? ASHLEY FRaSER ?? Carrie Groulx and her daughter, Melanie
ASHLEY FRaSER Carrie Groulx and her daughter, Melanie

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