Ottawa Citizen

Parents have safety responsibi­lity, too


It seems to me from reading newspapers on- and off-line, listening to news and radio phone-in shows and various other “noises” regarding the risk of students returning to school in a few weeks, a big part of the risk equation is absent from all discussion­s.

Currently, schools are clean, buildings are empty, all COVIDfree. They will remain so until inhabited in September by teachers, students, support staff, caretakers and administra­tion, the largest group by far being the students. Recognizin­g this, we might consider that the highest risk of introducin­g COVID into the school environmen­t is the students. So, logically, we must then back up and consider with whom the students have contact outside of their school day. This leads us to their family group and bubble. Where is the conversati­on around the families and how their members might take extra precaution­s in their daily activities?

Most of the concerns raised have been from parents, but there has been no discussion regarding their responsibi­lity in taking extra measures in their own daily lives to ensure their children remain COVID-free. Please don’t expect others to do 100 per cent of this job for you.

How do parents maximize their children’s safety? Take extra precaution­s at work, revert to having groceries and prescripti­ons delivered, avoid unnecessar­y shopping and dining out, go back to the vigilance we all practised in late winter and throughout the spring.

I agree none of this is any fun, but your children are worth it! School boards are doing their very best with the resources, ingenuity, talent, and energy they have to keep your children safe. Please add that extra layer of safety by exercising rampedup vigilance at home in the months ahead.

Jane McAllister, Athens, Ont.

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