Ottawa Citizen

One stupid piece of plastic, one less great blue heron


A pleasant walk along the Rideau Canal quickly turned depressing last week. Sitting atop a large rock in the small pond next to the Canal Ritz was a majestic Great Blue Heron.

Typically shy, such close proximity struck me as unusual behaviour. Yet most of the passing cyclists and pedestrian­s eager to grab a photo didn’t see the long piece of clear plastic the heron was struggling to disengage from its mouth.

A call for help went out to Safe Wings Ottawa. But after a great deal of preparatio­n, their valiant attempt to capture the distressed bird was unsuccessf­ul. He still had enough strength to fly out of reach. In all, the attempted rescue took hours of devoted volunteer and passersby time. All for one stupid piece of plastic — a totally preventabl­e scourge that will undoubtedl­y kill this stately bird, and so many others like him.

Birds starve to death from ingesting plastic, a long painful ordeal. The experience was upsetting. So, just days later, as

I was approachin­g Dow’s Lake to begin another walk, I was dishearten­ed when the very first thing I noticed in the water was a large plastic bag. And then another. And another. With a stick, in fewer than two minutes, I managed to pull out several plastic bags of varying sizes (some containing COVID masks), two plastic bowls, one plastic water bottle, and so on. I hadn’t even walked two metres.

Shame on all of us. Surely we can do better.

Kath Fischer, Nepean

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