Ottawa Citizen

Teaching tips not useful during COVID


Re: Richardson: Here’s how we can get the best out of hybrid learning, Aug. 24

I have been a high school teacher for over 25 years. Richardson is also a high school teacher, but his experience seems to be vastly different than mine. He offers a list of 10 suggestion­s for improving our system such as developing empathetic relationsh­ips, setting big learning goals, differenti­ating teaching for varied needs, and limiting direct instructio­n. What teacher doesn’t do all of these things already? Furthermor­e, precisely because we do all these things, I have a hard time believing the study which says that student engagement drops in every year of school after Grade 1.

While I admit we have a lot to learn about making online learning better, most of these suggestion­s will not translate well, if at all, to education during COVID, either at school or online. Bottom line: this article was not useful for teachers, and leads the public to believe that teaching practises haven’t changed since the 1950s.

Kathy Bol, Ottawa

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