Ottawa Citizen

Photo radar does the trick


Re: Letter, The photo radar cash grab begins, Sept. 16.

I continue to be at a loss as to why breaking the law shouldn't result in a penalty. Just obey the rules and there will be no additional revenue to a city in need of extra funding for so many good causes.

As a volunteer driver for a charity, I make sure to drive lawfully and safely, but it is depressing to see so many cars overtaking me at 60 to 70 km/h in a 50 zone, or 80 to 90 in a 60 zone. Just stand at an intersecti­on and see how many drivers ignore the bold red sign with the word stop, or rush through a red light.

Clearly, bold signage is not enough, yet one letter-writer seems to think this is the answer. Even casual observatio­n shows that it is not. So, let's have not just red-light cameras but photo radar as well. We accept a voluntary tax in the form of casinos and government operated lotteries. Let's extend voluntary taxes to drivers who ignore signs.

David Welch, Ottawa

A real cash grab can’t be avoided

I have never accepted the argument that photo radar in a school zone, or any zone, is a cash grab.

First, if the cameras change driving habits and protect children walking to and from school, what's not to like? Yes, it may initially take 10,000 tickets for this to sink in. But why are drivers speeding through a school zone in the first place?

Second, the letter-writer's suggestion that the city install larger signs, with or without flashing lights, won't change a thing. They will simply be ignored, just like the tiny black and white signs already in place. That's why photo radar was introduced.

Finally, a real cash grab from drivers is something that can't be avoided, such as the Canadian Tire Centre parking fees. But this so-called cash grab can easily be avoided — just slow down. There's the added bonus of knowing that you have done your part in making school zones safer.

What's sneaky about that?

Ian McKelvie, Reid's Mills

How you speeders can stick it to the city

May I suggest this to those who think photo radar is a cash grab: If you receive a speeding ticket in the mail, ask that you spend time in jail instead of paying cash for the fine. That way, you stick it to the city, which has to pay for your incarcerat­ion.

Or you could just not speed.

Dave Sanderson, Carleton Place

 ?? ASHLEY FRASER ?? Red-light cameras and photo radar are needed to rein in errant drivers, a reader says.
ASHLEY FRASER Red-light cameras and photo radar are needed to rein in errant drivers, a reader says.

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