Ottawa Citizen



Home Depot's “Giant-Sized Skeleton with Life Eyes,” as the product is called (the eyes move!), has emerged as a curiosity — and coping mechanism — in a sea of grim news. On social media, people have professed a love of the four-metre-tall skeleton. One tweeted about “the sexual tension between my bank account and the Home Depot skeleton.” Here's an overview.


When Justin Draper heard a skeleton was due to arrive at a Home Depot 110 km away, his first thought was whether he'd beat all the other people who had decided they, too, needed one. Draper peeled out, the Benny Hill theme Yakety Sax playing in his head, and didn't stop for gas even when his fuel light came on 50 km from his destinatio­n. He beat the other customers by mere minutes. And US$319.93 later, he was inducted into the cult of the Giant Home Depot Skeleton. But he couldn't fit the 1.3-by-1.3-metre box into his small car, so the head went in the child seat in the back, the spinal cord and ribs rode up front. Everything else — tibia, fibula, humerus, femur, etc. — crammed wherever it would fit.


Jane Pfister, 39, a Canadian living in Switzerlan­d, paid US$775 to have hers shipped to Europe (“Worth every penny”). Travis Steiner, 28, of Reading, Pa., bought multiple skeletons for his home but seeing the prices on eBay, resold one for US$1,400 — and the buyer “was ecstatic.” Shannon Osborne, who operates a pumpkin patch in Pennsylvan­ia, had a customer offer US$4,000. She turned him down. “My husband looked at me, and I was like, `Don't you dare.'”


Punny names are popular: skelton John. Boney Danza. Marrowlyn Monroe. Jeff Leboneski. Scary Potter. Albert Spine-stein, Agent Skelly (who has a giant plastic fly on his head, à la Mike Pence; the fly “was $15 and was absolutely worth it,” the owner says).


Your Post scribe offers these treats should you find yourself with a nameless pile 'o bones on your porch: Liam Kneeson, Dev Patella, Lumbart Simpson, Ulna Thurman, Isaac Sternum, Grace Skelly, Maxillae Pacioretti, Olly Femurs. You're welcome

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