Ottawa Citizen

Jobless rate doesn't tell whole story


There's a significan­t disconnect between the capital region and the rest of the country in Statistics Canada's latest jobs report, published Friday — and it's not what you might think.

Yes, our jobless rate — 8.1 per cent in October compared to 8.6 per cent in September — is significan­tly better than that posted by the country's five other big cities. These ranged from 9.6 per cent in October for Montreal to 12 per cent in Edmonton.

This suggests Ottawa-Gatineau has come through the pandemic in relatively good shape, thanks in part to a workforce heavily weighted with government and high-tech employees.

But a closer look at the numbers reveals an unusual weakness in our recovery. Consider first that the capital region was the only major metropolit­an area to record a net decline in employment in October compared to September. The number of jobs here shrank by 0.4 per cent while employment increased 0.9 per cent in Montreal, where the economy has been relatively open, and nearly three per cent in Toronto. These numbers are adjusted for seasonal influences.

Our jobs record has been somewhat better relatively speaking during the pandemic. From February to October the capital region's employment base shrank 6.3 per cent (48,500 jobs) — better than Edmonton (down 7.9 per cent) and Vancouver (off 7.3 per cent) but less impressive than Toronto (a decline of 4.7 per cent), Montreal (down 1.7 per cent) and Calgary (off less than one per cent).

But, year over year, the capital region has suffered the largest net decline in employment by a fair margin. Total employment here in October was 727,500 — down 71,100 from October 2019. That's a drop of nearly nine per cent. Only Edmonton (a decline of 7.5 per cent) comes close. Meanwhile, employment levels in Montreal (down just 1.2 per cent year over year) and Toronto (a drop of 3.4 per cent) were considerab­ly stronger.

What accounts, then, for Ottawa- Gatineau's superior jobless rate? Two factors. First, we entered the pandemic with the lowest unemployme­nt among the six biggest cities. But the most important explanatio­n has to do with changes in the region's labour force, which includes people looking for work. Quite simply, we had fewer people looking for work.

In October, our labour force shrank by 7,100. Even though employment fell by 2,700, the jobless rate came down during the month. But the other big Canadian cities all saw an increase in their labour force over the same period.

During the pandemic, only Edmonton suffered a bigger drop in the size of its workforce. Year over year, Ottawa-Gatineau saw its labour force shrink five per cent — while Montreal and Toronto reported net gains of more than three per cent.

It's not entirely clear what's happening here. People leave the workforce for a variety or reasons, ranging from returning to school to retirement. The capital region is heavily populated with workers that can rely on good pensions, and the pandemic may have convinced many that this is the time to exit.

Some workers who have seen their companies disappear are mulling new futures.

A look at the region's job sectors offers some insight. The biggest job losses between February and October were in accommodat­ion & food services — down 13,200 jobs or 29 per cent. (Sector data is unadjusted for seasonalit­y). This is mainly the result of pandemic-inspired closures. While many employees may be hanging on for a return to normal, it's possible thousands have simply opted out of the workforce while they consider other options.

Three other sectors have also seen significan­t shrinkage in employment. Nearly 9,500 jobs (14 per cent) have been lost in education (a sector that includes private trainers) while the number employed in profession­al services has dropped by 8,200 (11 per cent). There are also 6,300 fewer workers in public administra­tion, a relatively modest drop of more than three per cent.

The big gainer during the pandemic: health services, which added 8,900 net new jobs between February and October, up 10 per cent.

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