Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa's oldest man `lives in the moment'

Veteran Tom Lumby has `unique, almost immediate understand­ing of other people'

- KELLY EGAN To contact Kelly Egan, please call 613-291-6265 or email kegan@ kellyeganc­olumn

When Tom Lumby was 99, a neighbour took him to an Apple store, so he could see the latest whiz-bang technology, devices unimaginab­le when he was born in 1911.

He walked out with a 27-inch iMac. “Isn't technology great?” he remarked to his neighbour during the outing, almost 10 years ago. Sure, but not as great as Tom Lumby.

On Saturday, a small number of friends and family will gather outside on a west-end street, singing Happy Birthday to a frail figure on a balcony, Ottawa's oldest man — one of the oldest in Canada — as Lumby turns 109.

Inasmuch as Lumby is a human marvel, his longevity is also testament to the generosity of neighbours who have helped keep him in his own home, overlookin­g the Ottawa River near Britannia.

“They've done an incredible job,” said Lumby's only son, Peter, now 79.

People like Susan and Herb Pearl, neighbours for more than 30 years. After Lumby's wife, Sadie, died in 2002, at age 90, neighbours paid special attention to Tom, who was now alone.

Pearl would bring him dinner almost every night, and hold birthday parties. Others took him to lunch or helped him garden, a hobby that sparked the 108 tulip bulbs that arrived for his birthday last year. Ted Parsons, 79, a retired Navy man, would play pool with him, swap military stories, discuss all the books Tom was reading.

“He's a real gentleman,” said Parsons. “He has this unique, almost immediate understand­ing of other people.”

With the barrier of COVID, he says he calls Tom two or three times a week to check in.

“I'm sure he's the only 109-year-old I'll ever know in my life,” said Pearl, describing Lumby as a kind, generous soul who is full of gratitude for the good things in his life.

“I got more from the friendship than I ever could give. It's just such a blessing.”

She describes an endlessly curious man who “lives in the moment” and doesn't drown in the past, of which there is a great deal.

“His whole theory of life was `always move forward,' always think forward,” said Peter, who checks on his Dad every second day. His father is never bitter or depressed, said Peter, and remains positive about the world, despite the horrible things he saw during the Second World War — a period he did not like to discuss, let alone glorify.

(Resolutely modest, Tom — thought to be Canada's oldest war veteran — has declined to be interviewe­d, but his son consented to us marking the birthday milestone and briefly telling his life story.)

Tom was born in the village of Harris, Sask., one of three children on a farm south of Saskatoon. The family soon spent several years in California before returning to the Prairies where Tom married Sadie in 1939.

She would become an accomplish­ed pianist, he would go off to war.

He would become a tank commander with the Lord

Elgin Regiment, saw service in Holland, and was among the Allies who crossed the Rhine as German forces were collapsing in 1945. After the war, he served with the so-called Allied Control Commission that ran post-war Germany, a task that had the family in Dusseldorf from 1949 until 1952.

Tom joined CN in Montreal in 1953 and became head of an early human resources department. He remained there until 1977, though continued to be a consultant, even after moving to Ottawa in 1984.

Though he did not have a lot of post-secondary education, he was a lifelong learner. “He's a very well-educated man, but self-made,” said Peter. (When he reads, said neighbour Parsons, he takes “copious notes.”)

World politics, geography, history, chemistry, poetry — his interests were eclectic, as he demonstrat­ed by reciting portions of the well-known Robert Service poem, The Cremation of Sam McGee.

He was also a handyman who loved to take things apart, like the hearing aid he was supposed to be wearing.

“He could fix anything. He was always ripping things apart,” said Peter. “It drove my mother nuts.”

He was a ham radio enthusiast and Peter said he had his own “station” when he was still a teenager. He later became an amateur photograph­er with his own darkroom, a painter, and took up skiing in his 50s. He learned basic German during the war and, as a change of pace, was known to read books on the conjugatio­n of French verbs.

Ever an optimist, he kept a car in the driveway until he was 105, the same age at which Parsons would marvel at him for ordering seeds from a catalogue company “for next spring.”

“He didn't dwell on the past,” said Pearl. “Truly, truly, he lived now.”

Did you ever, Tom Lumby, did you ever. Happy birthday.

 ??  ?? Tom Lumby, the oldest man in Ottawa, is now 109 years old. Lumby was a tank commander who served in Holland during the Second World War.
Tom Lumby, the oldest man in Ottawa, is now 109 years old. Lumby was a tank commander who served in Holland during the Second World War.
 ??  ?? Tom Lumby, presented a cake at his birthday party three years ago, is believed to be Canada's oldest war veteran.
Tom Lumby, presented a cake at his birthday party three years ago, is believed to be Canada's oldest war veteran.
 ??  ??

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