Ottawa Citizen

COVID-19 rebellion a complex issue

What makes people follow safety protocols or opt to ignore them?


A mom confessed to letting her teenage daughter have her boyfriend over to the house, having weighed the mental health implicatio­ns of taking that companions­hip away from her.

A civil servant without a vehicle acknowledg­ed that he didn't go and get a COVID-19 test when he had a symptom, instead deciding to self-monitor.

A retail worker with asthma, living alone, said she doesn't maintain distance from friends she considers her family.

These are among the 20-plus ordinary Ottawans this newspaper spoke to in recent weeks about moments when their actions weren't in alignment with the pandemic-related public health guidance, perhaps the most crucial defence we have, in the absence of a vaccine, to the threat of COVID-19.

The public has been encouraged and urged, scolded and pleaded with to follow the pandemic advice: keep two metres from non-household members, wear a mask when you can't do so, stay home when you're sick, et cetera. Obviously, this isn't always happening.

While following the guidance — or not — might seem to be a simple matter of individual, binary decision-making, those doing related research suggest that public adherence to the health advice can be influenced by factors deeper than conscious reasoning, as well as by the nature of the guidance itself, and the actions of those crafting and communicat­ing it.

It's not just disseminat­ing knowledge … but asking the tough questions about how realistic it is for people to follow advice.

For those in positions of authority, it's both a responsibi­lity to shoulder and an opportunit­y to affect how the remainder of the pandemic plays out.

Heather, a 66-year-old retiree, said she hasn't stopped seeing friends and family, and only wears a mask when she has to, such as when going into a store. She doesn't think following the public health guidance is going to make a difference.

“People that have underlying issues, yeah, they need to be careful. But, I mean, that's on them.”

(The Citizen granted full or partial anonymity to those interviewe­d for this story to allow them to speak freely.)

Heather said she thinks the pandemic response is “overkill” at the expense of other health concerns, and took issue with “fearmonger­ing” and “mixed messaging” from officials.

“First they were saying it's not airborne, now they're saying `OK, well, the droplets can now travel.' And the guidelines keep changing, the informatio­n's changing all the time. `No don't wear masks, it's worse for you. OK, well now we're going to wear masks.' ”

According to Simon Bacon, a Concordia University professor and co-director of the Montreal Behavioura­l Medicine Centre, the vast majority of Canadians have been distancing, handwashin­g and wearing masks.

“People don't get enough recognitio­n for that, and I think that's a bit of a problem.”

Bacon is working on an internatio­nal study of COVID-19-related attitudes and behaviours. Based on data from nearly 14,000 Canadians who participat­ed in the study between March and mid-September, it was determined that more than 80 per cent have consistent­ly been handwashin­g and physical distancing since the pandemic began.

Between March and July, the percentage of Canadians who reported wearing face masks outside of their homes, most of the time, rose from two per cent to 54 per cent.

“When the only stories you hear (are) about the people that aren't doing what they're supposed to do, and are constantly messing up and making things worse and so on, it makes people forget that that's a very small proportion of the actual populace, and that actually they are the exceptiona­l cases rather than the norm,” Bacon said.

Rather than leaving people to question why they should keep working hard and making sacrifices when others aren't, Bacon explained that messaging focused on how most people are doing the right things offers positive reinforcem­ent and continues normalizin­g that behaviour.

Consistenc­y in policy is also crucial for public buy-in, according to Bacon. He offered up a Quebec example: while people in the province's COVID-19 red zones are not allowed to have visitors in their home from another address (unless they live alone), up to 25 people can gather in places of worship. He explained that dissonance of this sort erodes public confidence and creates frustratio­n.

“What people then invariably do is they start defaulting to their personal perspectiv­e, their personal values. Do they think this is important? Do they think they should be doing this?”

While he knew it was a risk, Jackson (not his real name) said he wasn't feeling any symptoms and trusted that his friend wasn't either when they shared a car ride, maskless, to the golf course in the summer.

“We're close friends, so we just kept talking like we would normally talk, and maybe it was just a sense of normalcy, a little bit, that we were both comfortabl­e with (and) we didn't take the pandemic into account in that situation.”

In the battle against COVID-19, trust may well be a double-edged sword. Researcher­s at McGill and Carleton universiti­es examined data from dozens of countries, and found that while trust in state institutio­ns was associated with fewer COVID-19 deaths, social trust and group belonging were linked to more fatalities.

“This is likely because trust and affiliatio­n with others are incongruen­t with physical distancing measures,” explained Michael Wohl, a Carleton psychology professor and one of the study's authors, of the latter finding. “So you can't see COVID-19. And trusting that your neighbour, trusting that your best friend, trusting that your family members are engaging in behaviours that reduce the risk of transmissi­on may increase virus transmissi­on.”

Another factor that could influence adherence to the pandemic guidance, according to Wohl, is that with COVID-19 case and death numbers — and the faceless suffering behind those numbers — reaching the heights they have, people's sensitivit­y to them is actually diminishin­g.

Think back to March and hearing about five new COVID-19 cases, Wohl explained. It landed a lot differentl­y than a five-case increase nowadays.

“People get lost in large numbers, it's hard for people to wrap their head around the fact that there are so many thousands of new cases a day in Canada,” he said.

“When people become desensitiz­ed, they're not going to follow the public health guidelines ... when they're just numbers now.”

Three Ottawa moms were gathered around a park picnic table, all of whom had babies born during the pandemic.

“I think when I meet like this, I do feel a little bit of guilt, but I also only meet like this … outdoors,” said Vicki, noting that a full two metres of distance wasn't being maintained.

“People have pandemic fatigue, and a lot of those guidelines, especially nine months in, especially if you haven't gotten affected or know anyone who's been affected, it's easy to dismiss them, unfortunat­ely, no matter how smart and well-informed and afraid you are.”

It's a bit of a balancing act, said Carly, explaining that she and her husband have been very strict — grocery pickup only, staying home much of the time — but they don't have any family in town and didn't have anyone to help with the baby, their first.

“I don't want to be part of the problem, because I know that's the kind of thing that is making this drag on longer than it needs to,” said Sonya. “But sometimes I just want, I need, in-person contact.”

Non-adherence to the public health guidance is often spoken about in terms of neglect on the part of individual­s to do what they ought to, said Eric Kennedy, an assistant professor of disaster and emergency management at York University. There's a cognitive bias called fundamenta­l attributio­n error — “I explain what happens to me through circumstan­ce and I explain what happens to you through character,” said Kennedy — that could lead you to chalk up someone else's failure to wear a mask to their being lazy, for example, while excusing your own decision not to wear one as a one-off, resulting from pandemic-related exhaustion.

“We have to be so careful of this kind of storytelli­ng where the non-compliance gets told as a personal deficiency,” said Kennedy, because, in so doing, the bigger picture can be missed, as can the places where it's possible to affect change.

One factor that could influence public adherence to the pandemic guidance, according to Kennedy, is clarity and consistenc­y in messaging. Important, too, is a transparen­t explanatio­n for why the message has changed, when it does, as well as modelling yourself the behaviour you're asking of the public.

Another vital considerat­ion, according to Kennedy, is people's actual capability to act in alignment with the health guidance.

“It's not just disseminat­ing knowledge or instructio­ns,” he said, “but asking the tough questions about how realistic it is for people to follow advice.”

For example, how likely is someone to go get tested when they have symptoms if the testing centre has limited hours or isn't convenient­ly located, or it takes a long time to go through the process?

Then, there's the oft-cited phenomenon of COVID-19 fatigue. People acclimatiz­e to threats that become an establishe­d part of their environmen­t, Kennedy explained, and pandemic-associated stressors (altered work conditions, for example, or childcare expectatio­ns) also take a physical and psychologi­cal toll.

“In our planning, we have to anticipate that this is going to happen with a pandemic this long. The instructio­ns that make sense early in the pandemic when people see this as a big threat and a scary thing, and people are energized to fight it, we're going to need different resources and different supports as it drags on,” said Kennedy.

“We need to acknowledg­e that everyone's going to get tired, and figure out how our interventi­ons can account for and accommodat­e for that fatigue.”

 ?? JEAN LEVAC ?? Some residents report “fatigue” over rules set by officials like medical officer of health Dr. Vera Etches.
JEAN LEVAC Some residents report “fatigue” over rules set by officials like medical officer of health Dr. Vera Etches.

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