Ottawa Citizen

Talking about a dead spouse is only natural


Q I'm back in the dating scene and I'm meeting some men whose wives have died, which is a new experience for me. Is it normal for men to talk frequently about their deceased wives? While I understand the trauma of losing a loved one, I believe in not making it a focal point of conversati­on, just as I haven't talked about my ex-husband. Any insight from you would be appreciate­d. Mourning Men

A Welcome to the complexiti­es of “mature” dating, especially when someone — the widower or the widow — keeps mentioning, describing and recounting memories of their late spouse. None of these recollecti­ons are meant as a comparison to you. Nor does it always mean that the storytelle­r isn't ready to date. Mostly, the person is telling you about his/ her own life. Single daters also do this, though it doesn't sound mournful when they're describing people whom they chose to leave behind. Nor when angrily describing those who dumped them. A spouse of many years who's passed away is still a major part of their lived history — the family they raised, the highlights over many years and their tough times. How to handle these recounting? Listen. You'll learn far more about the person you're with than you expected. More than just rushing into a physical relationsh­ip.

However, it can go on for too long. Some people use “the story” like a blockade. They're not ready for intimacy but that's about them and uncertaint­y about taking that next step. It's not about you. Best to address a persistent overlay of grief in dating a widower or widow headon: As in, “I'd really like to get to know you better in the present, not just from your past. When you're comfortabl­e about doing that, I sincerely hope you'll be in touch with me.”

Q I have a friend in my dog walkers' group who misinterpr­ets everything said to her.

In our group, we email each other often to make plans.

While we do have a regular schedule, the vagaries of weather, constructi­on and COVID-19 news sometimes call for added communicat­ion. At least one in every four, she'll (seemingly out of nowhere) get riled up that she wasn't included or was purposeful­ly left out. It's so frustratin­g. None of us have any ill will toward her. But her negative interpreta­tions are pushing the rest of the group away. How can I help an otherwise-decent friend stop this confrontat­ional behaviour? Peacemaker

A You're a thoughtful friend. It seems you know this person well enough to keep reassuring her that she's not being left out nor purposeful­ly slighted. Yet there's likely more to her insecurity than simple, logical changes in a dog-walking route or schedule. Have a virtual chat alone with her and ask how things have been going during the pandemic. She, and probably others too, are unlikely to talk about any personal concerns regarding their partners, children, jobs and extended family while in the group camaraderi­e of walking outdoors with energy-charged dogs. Group chat, amusing stories, doggie antics take over.

But behind her complaints, something's bothering this woman. Be a good listener for her if possible, as well as a peacemaker for the group. It might also help that, when you send group emails, everyone's name is visible on the email list.

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