Ottawa Citizen



Canadian vaccine gripes excessive

We've heard a lot of whining lately from Canadians because this country is at the back of the line for the anticipate­d COVID-19 vaccine. In Canada, we have sufficient room to physically distance and we have clean water with which to wash our hands and clean and sanitize our homes. So, it comes down to a much-needed kick-start to our economy, and to the convenienc­e of being able to once again congregate and resume our social lives.

In the past four years, Canadians have been witness to the demented politics of our neighbours to the south, and to what happens when the state of the national economy eclipses the health, welfare and safety of its citizens.

Many countries do not enjoy the luxury of enough space, clean water, available health care and other basic necessitie­s, and so maybe, instead of complainin­g about being relegated to the back burner, we should do the Canadian thing and facilitate inoculatio­n of those more compromise­d, and only then, vaccinate ourselves.

Nikki Cook, Ottawa

How many will die due to late vaccine?

We were told months ago that the government had contracts with no fewer than three pharmaceut­ical companies to obtain vaccine when it was duly available. Nothing was said at the time about where it would be produced, nor should it have been. It was relatively well-known that Canada did not have the capacity to produce such a vaccine

Last week the prime minister suddenly announced, with regret, that Canada will be late in inoculatin­g its people because we lack capacity to make vaccine here. With almost sublime irony, a few days later it was announced that the Americans, who do have domestic capacity, are importing one vaccine from Belgium.

It is pure humbug that we must wait for vaccine. I suspect it is obfuscatio­n designed to distract attention from some other failing.

People are dying. How many more will die before a vaccine is distribute­d? It is time the government came clean and got on with what is vital.

Ivan Sylvain, Ottawa

COVID endangers prisoners' lives

COVID-19 is running rampant in the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre, threatenin­g the lives and living conditions of prisoners.

In the crowded prison, prisoners cannot isolate. COVID also threatens staff, their families, and ultimately all of Ottawa. Under COVID, prisons like OCDC are death threats.

My friend, Deepan Budlakoti, has been imprisoned without trial there for more than three years, even though his family has offered to be sureties for him until his trial. Like many, he lives in terror of getting COVID, and endures lockdown conditions which mean essentiall­y living in solitary confinemen­t. It is time to shut down OCDC, which has repeatedly been condemned, and release the prisoners to alternativ­e community facilities or to sureties.

Diana Ralph, Ottawa



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