Ottawa Citizen


Beijing sure to test new foreign minister


Marc Garneau has only been in his new job for a couple of days but he has already been on the receiving end of diplomatic correspond­ence with Chinese characteri­stics.

These broadsides generally consist of an admonishme­nt for Canada to mind its own business when China wants to mistreat political opponents at home and abroad.

The one received by the new global affairs minister on Wednesday was no exception, as the Chinese government expressed its “strong dissatisfa­ction” and called on Canada to cancel measures taken the previous day to prohibit the importatio­n of goods “wholly or in part produced with forced labour” in the Xinjiang region, home to onefifth of the world’s cotton production.

“Stop interferin­g in China’s internal affairs … so as not to cause further damages to ChinaCanad­a relations,” said a spokespers­on for the Chinese embassy in Ottawa.

The policy developed by Garneau’s predecesso­r, FrançoisPh­ilippe Champagne, was to establish alliances with likeminded countries to protect the global rulesbased system. Ironically, on the day he was shuffled, that strategy culminated with the toughest measures yet, in the form of the Xinjiang announceme­nt.

The Trump administra­tion, as usual, has gone its own way in dealing with China. On Wednesday, it banned all cotton and tomato products from Xinjiang, over forcedlabo­ur concerns. But Garneau has indicated he will try to include the incoming Biden administra­tion in expanding the cooperativ­e coalition.

“The relationsh­ip between Canada and China is a very important relationsh­ip but it also has intersecti­ons with the relationsh­ip between the U.S. and China,” he said. “So, we’re going to develop in the coming weeks with the new administra­tion our ideas about the two Michaels and other issues that jointly affect our countries, visàvis China.”

Garneau has not said much publicly about China but he has years of experience in internatio­nal affairs.

He has extensive contacts in the U.S. from his time at NASA, where he logged nearly 700 hours in space. He was foreign affairs critic for the Liberals in opposition, cochaired the party’s foreign advisory committee, and has had multiple internatio­nal dealings in five years as transport minister.

He negotiated air transport agreements with the Chinese in 2015 and managed the cabinet committee on CanadaU.S. relations when the Trump administra­tion imposed tariffs on Canada.

Trudeau realized early on that Garneau had credibilit­y that transcende­d borders. When the Internatio­nal Olympic Committee threatened to move the World AntiDoping Agency from Montreal, Garneau was dispatched to Paris to persuade the IOC to keep it in Canada.

Most observers agree he is a good choice in a time of geopolitic­al flux. “He’s calm, he has icewater in his veins, he is reasoned, wellresear­ched and has enormous credibilit­y,” said Andrew Leslie, his cochair on the Liberal foreign affairs advisory committee and a former parliament­ary colleague. “He’s perfect for the job.”

On China, he will be subjected to corporate pressures to repair relations to allow business to flourish.

If the Biden administra­tion drops the extraditio­n request for Huawei executive, Meng Wanzhou, as some reports have indicated, there may be an opportunit­y for reconcilia­tion — particular­ly if Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig are released from Chinese prison.

But Garneau is unlikely to be an enthusiast­ic proponent of rapprochem­ent.

He is pragmatic but he is also a man of substance and decency. No person of principle can ignore the abuses being perpetrate­d by the Communist Party.

A comprehens­ive account of life in a Chinese “reeducatio­n” camp was published this week in The Guardian. The newspaper printed the story of Gulbahar Haitiwaji, a Uyghur from Xianjiang, who has been living in France with her family since 2006 but who was detained for two years in a reeducatio­n camp when she returned home to sign some paperwork related to her retirement.

Upon her release, she has offered a gruelling account of her “waking nightmare.”

Haitiwaji said she was subjected to Communist Party propaganda 11 hours a day in a windowless building, where there was no privacy thanks to surveillan­ce cameras, and silence was enforced. Her critical abilities were gradually eroded by sessions that concluded with the mantra: “Long live President Xi Jinping.”

“We were worked until we were nothing more than dumb animals,” she said. Inmates were in constant fear of execution. “When the nurses grabbed my arm to vaccinate me, I thought they were poisoning me. In reality, they were sterilizin­g us. That was when I understood the method of the camps … was not to kill us in cold blood but to make us slowly disappear.”

The statement issued by the Chinese embassy on Wednesday, calling for Canada to reverse its new measures, said that there is no forced labour in Xinjiang. The rights and interests of all workers are protected by law, it said.

“There are no restrictio­ns whatsoever on their personal freedom,” the statement said, in reference to the minority Uyghur population. “Mass arbitrary detentions are just concoction­s fanned up by some U.S. and Western institutio­ns and personnel.”

People of all ethnic groups enjoy a stronger sense of happiness and security because of the “preventati­ve counterter­rorism and deradicali­zation” measures Beijing has taken, the statement said — a line that has a strong whiff of the Nazis’ “work will set you free” slogan that was placed above the gates of their concentrat­ion camps.

It doesn’t take a wild leap of the imaginatio­n to envisage that a similar kind of “reeducatio­n” is in store for anyone who opposes the Communist Party.

That thought should be the guiding principle behind Garneau’s China policy.


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