Ottawa Citizen



1 Liz Cheney: The No. 3 House Republican, Cheney was the most senior member of her party to vote against efforts to challenge the Jan. 6 Electoral College results confirming Trump's loss. The daughter of former Republican Vice-President Dick Cheney is a rising star in the party.

2 Anthony Gonzalez: “When I consider the full scope of events leading up to January 6th including the President's lack of response as the United States Capitol was under attack, I am compelled to support impeachmen­t,” the Ohio Republican wrote on Twitter.

3 Peter Meijer: A new member of Congress from Grand Rapids, Mich., said he was voting for impeachmen­t with a “heavy heart.”

“The President betrayed his oath of office by seeking to undermine our constituti­onal process, and he bears responsibi­lity for inciting the violent acts of insurrecti­on last week,” he said in a statement.

4 Dan Newhouse: The representa­tive from Washington state announced his intention to vote to impeach on the House floor during Wednesday's debate, drawing applause from the roughly two dozen Democrats on the floor.

5 Adam Kinzinger: A frequent Trump critic, Kinzinger, from Illinois, said Trump broke his oath of office by inciting his supporters to insurrecti­on and used his position to attack the legislativ­e branch of government.

6 John Katko: The representa­tive from New York was the first member of the House Republican caucus to say he would vote for impeachmen­t.

7 Fred Upton: In November, Upton, from Michigan, Trump had shown no proof of his claims that his election defeat was the result of widespread fraud.

8 Jaime Herrera Beutler: “The president's offences, in my reading of the Constituti­on, were impeachabl­e based on the indisputab­le evidence we already have,” the moderate from Washington state said in a statement.

9 Tom Rice: A representa­tive from a South Carolina district where Trump has heavy support.

10 David Valadao: In November Valadao reclaimed his former California seat from the Democrats.

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