Ottawa Citizen

West must deal with China's totalitari­an regime

West must deal with this reality, says Margaret McCuaig-Johnston.

- Margaret McCuaig-Johnston is Senior Fellow, Institute of Science, Society and Policy at the University of Ottawa.

China's regime is often called authoritar­ian. It certainly has been that under Xi Jinping. But its recent programs of surveillan­ce and repression show the characteri­stics of a totalitari­an state, with technologi­es of which Hitler and Mussolini could only dream.

This is shocking given the expectatio­n that decades of economic reform would bring liberaliza­tion and some democratic attributes. But Xi has turned his ship of state around. In the Economist's 2019 Democracy Index, China's regression resulted in a fall of 23 places in the ranking in one year. It is now near the bottom, below Iran, at 153 out of 167 countries.

An attribute of totalitari­an states is a single party, intolerant of differing opinions and controllin­g citizens' lives. The Chinese Communist Party is exactly that, injecting itself into the justice system whenever it wishes. Its Social Credit System monitors all WeChat and Weibo exchanges through algorithms that identify those discussing June 4 or May 35, which mean the Tiananmen massacre, or referring to Winnie the Pooh, whose walk is similar to Xi's. Not taking out the garbage, paying your loans late, getting traffic violations and not adhering to birth control regulation­s will also give you a bad social credit score. Chinese can lose their jobs or the right to send their child to a good school. Tens of millions have not been permitted to fly or take trains due to their low scores. Citizens understand­ably fear the blacklists and are self-censoring, which is what the regime wants.

A Corporate Social Credit System now applies to domestic and foreign companies and organizati­ons operating in China. If they do not comply fully with every regulation or if they speak out against government policies, the company will not have access to grants, procuremen­t contracts, land, or lower taxes. If their employees or suppliers have poor scores, the company is punished. Both credit systems will be tightened over time, and party committees in each company ensure that corporate decisions advance the party's interests.

Another attribute of totalitari­anism is a guiding ideology. In China, that is Xi Jinping Thought, a three-volume book that each citizen must study on an app that knows when they are scrolling through quickly without looking.

Totalitari­an regimes have low tolerance of religions, and we have seen this in

Tibet and Xinjiang incarcerat­ions, mass sterilizat­ion, voice pattern telephone surveillan­ce and forced labour that implicates the foreign firms for whom the products are made. Uyghurs able to return home are assigned a young Han man or woman to live in their house to ensure that they and their children are speaking Mandarin and not practising their religion. In a nod to 1984, they are called Big Brother and Big Sister, and the Han in this “family program” are encouraged to marry Uyghurs to thin the genetic stream.

Christian churches have had their crosses torn down, Xi's photo and Xi Jinping Thought placed prominentl­y in sanctuarie­s, and senior appointmen­ts approved by the party. House churches are regularly closed and clergy incarcerat­ed.

Citizens speaking out on issues such as free speech, environmen­tal degradatio­n, and expropriat­ion without compensati­on have been subjected to daily interrogat­ions in a metal tiger chair with wrists and ankles in vices, often in freezing conditions.

Hundreds of thousands of websites have been shut down for inappropri­ate content, particular­ly regarding Xi and the party. The Great Firewall is thickening, VPNs have been banned, and party control of all media ensures that citizens see themselves as ruled by a benevolent leader. Those who could pose competitio­n to Xi's leadership have been imprisoned under cover of his anticorrup­tion campaign.

Hong Kong's democratic leadership has been arrested en masse, and recently citizens found they were no longer able to access certain websites. Under the National Security Law, the government can force websites to remove any informatio­n that could “endanger national security.” Schoolbook­s are being edited and teachers' roles circumscri­bed. It is possible that Hong Kong could see even more repression as the regime uses its tools of surveillan­ce to quash any thought of independen­ce.

In the ultimate measure of extraterri­torial control, the National Security Law provides that any person who speaks out against the Chinese regime anywhere in the world can be extradited and prosecuted in China.

Two Danish politician­s were recently named for extraditio­n for helping a former Hong Kong legislator seek asylum in Denmark. Fortunatel­y, Denmark does not have an extraditio­n agreement with China, nor does Canada — but many do. Members of the Chinese diaspora are threatened with harm to their relatives in China to prevent them from criticizin­g the regime.

We must call China as it is: an emerging totalitari­an regime with no regard for rights.

Western democracie­s have been meeting to decide how to push back collective­ly against China's actions. Our government­s must now deal with China as it really is, not as they wish it were.

 ?? CARLOS GARCIA RaWLINS/REUTERS FILES ?? Under President Xi Jinping, China has increased efforts to control its people.
CARLOS GARCIA RaWLINS/REUTERS FILES Under President Xi Jinping, China has increased efforts to control its people.

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