Ottawa Citizen

Statistics agency's rare about-face leads to rise in inflation


Statistics Canada backtracke­d on its decision to revise down estimates of underlying inflation, raising questions whether the agency has a full grasp of the real state of price pressures in the economy.

In a rare move, the agency said Monday it's reversing a methodolog­ical change — unveiled only five days ago — that lowered some readings of core prices. After receiving negative feedback from economists over the change, StatCan said it reverted to its old methodolog­y and will study the matter.

The end result is an inflation picture that is more elevated than reported last week, at a time when investors are becoming more worried about global price pressures. The latest move pushed the average of the Bank of Canada's preferred measures of core inflation to a yearly increase of 1.8 per cent in January, from 1.5 per cent.

“It's unfortunat­e how events have unfolded,” Benjamin Reitzes, rates and macro strategist at the Bank of Montreal, said by email. “The magnitude of the revisions, both in size and time horizon, should have prompted further scrutiny from StatsCan before the release in order to ensure potential questions could be answered.”

Some investors and analysts have already begun to question whether underlying pressures are being measured properly, so any stumble from the federal statistics agency will be looked at in harsh light.

“We're now left largely in the dark on what core inflation is and reliant upon if and when StatsCan publishes a revision to its revised methodolog­y that they just retracted,” Derek Holt, a Bank of Nova Scotia economist, said in a report.

Last week's reading showed core inflation was well below the Bank of Canada's two-per-cent target. The statistics agency decided to revert to its old methodolog­y after a barrage of feedback, including from the central bank.

“We look forward to ongoing consultati­ons with Statistics Canada to ensure the quality and relevance of the core inflation measures,” Bank of Canada spokesman Alex Paterson said Monday, adding the bank is “pleased” the agency changed course.

While inflation is expected to accelerate, policy-makers led by governor Tiff Macklem see little immediate threat from it.

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