Ottawa Citizen

Docs `few bad days away' from last-resort choices


With intensive care units running out of space and COVID-19 cases at record levels, Ontario is just “a few bad days away” from doctors having to make decisions about who gets life-saving critical care and who does not, says one of the authors of an emergency triage protocol now circulatin­g in Ontario hospitals.

The 42-page protocol, which has been obtained by the Citizen, is designed to be used as a “last resort” if demand for critical care exceeds available resources.

But the worsening situation in Ontario means it is crucial to have the plan in place, even if it isn't needed, says Dr. James Downar, head of the division of palliative care at the University of Ottawa, a member of the Bioethics Table and one of the authors of the triage document.

Even as hospitals hold town halls to help doctors prepare to triage critical-care patients, the plan has been largely hidden from the public. There have been growing calls from disability advocates and others for more transparen­cy.

Ottawa nephrologi­st Dr. Swapnil Hiremath is among those voices.

He wants people to understand what it means that doctors in Ontario are being prepared to possibly use the triage tool.

“I think it is important for people to know that we are thinking about this and it would mean that some patients don't get the care we expect them to get in normal circumstan­ces,” he said.

Hiremath, who trained in India, understand­s the situation better than most.

As a nephrology resident at a public hospital in Mumbai, he frequently had to tell patients with chronic kidney disease that the hospital was unable to offer them life-saving dialysis treatment because it didn't have the resources.

He handed hundreds of patients and families copies of a bureaucrat­ic memo from the hospital explaining the situation.

All he could do was apologize. Hiremath, who has been in Ottawa since 2004, still thinks about that experience, especially now.

“It wasn't easy. And if that experience is hard for us, it is much harder for people at the receiving end. I am not sure people understand that.”

The protocol, which has not yet been triggered by the Ontario government, states plainly that critical-care triage represents a departure from normal times: If it needs to be triggered, preventabl­e deaths will occur and some people will have care withheld or withdrawn without consent.

“Triage systems are developed to mitigate these harms, they cannot be eliminated.”

Under the plan, every patient who becomes critically ill will be assessed using a standardiz­ed mortality risk tool, which could help doctors determine which patients would be most likely to survive that illness.

The tool allows people with different illnesses to be compared equally, say its authors.

Under the triage tool, ideally, all patients who could benefit from critical care would receive it, but patients with the best chance of survival would be offered it first in order to save the most lives.

Nobody would be denied access to critical care because of a disability, say its authors, and human rights are explicitly protected.

It includes an online calculator to help physicians determine who would benefit most from critical care and who should not be offered it if resources are not available.

It also details a strict protocol for how such decisions should be made. The tool is designed to eliminate subjectivi­ty and bias as much as possible, said Downar.

Short-term mortality risk — the risk of death in 12 months — is the key factor in deciding how people are to be prioritize­d for critical care under the protocol. The tool allows doctors to rank patients by priority based on mortality risk.

It offers examples of patients and how they would be assessed using the clinical frailty scale that measures ability to perform activities of basic living, such as bathing, dressing and feeding themselves. That scale is part of the calculatio­n of short-term risk of death.

If resources are available, everyone continues to receive critical care. If resources become scarce and triaging is necessary, patients not offered critical care are to be offered medical therapy or palliative care as needed.

It also, jarringly, provides instructio­ns for random selection of which patient should receive critical care if more than one meets the same criteria and just one bed is available. It instructs physicians to use an online random generator tool and that the process be documented and observed by witnesses not involved in the patients' care.

As part of the plan, the provincial government is being urged to temporaril­y suspend the need to get permission before withdrawin­g a ventilator or life support from a critically ill patient.

Being able to withdraw life-saving critical care from those unlikely to survive as well as deny it in an emergency means the people more likely to benefit from it will get it, Downar said.

Downar hopes the triage protocol will never have to be used. But if it is, he says it will help save lives by making sure those who will benefit the most are prioritize­d for critical care in a standardiz­ed and unbiased way.

It is designed to be used only after all other options are exhausted.

As the third wave has become more severe in recent days and modelling predicts worse to come, Ontario hospitals and the provincial government have begun taking extraordin­ary steps to prevent having to ration critical care, including cancelling surgeries, opening field hospitals and beds in non-traditiona­l spaces, and transferri­ng patients out of the hardest-hit hospitals. The Ontario government is also asking other provinces for help and considerin­g using long-term care beds to take pressure off hospitals.

The Ottawa Hospital said last week it is preparing to care for up to 220 COVID -19 patients, double the number currently in all hospitals in the city.

But as the situation worsens, people should be prepared, say doctors.

Hiremath worries that his experience in Mumbai will be repeated in Ottawa.

“I did not expect that after coming to Canada I would have to do that.”

And he is particular­ly concerned

for his patients who receive chronic dialysis. By definition they are frail, he notes, which is one of the factors used to calculate a patient's short-term mortality risk.

Hiremath has worked hard to protect dialysis patients from needing critical care during the pandemic, fighting to have them vaccinated when they come in for dialysis, arguing that they are vulnerable because of it.

But he worries about what is coming.

“I can see the cliff coming.” Downar says everything possible is being done to try to avoid having to limit care to some critically ill patients, but planning for such an eventualit­y is necessary to prevent the kind of chaos and panicked decisions made in northern Italy when unprepared hospitals were overwhelme­d in the first wave of the pandemic.

“I think the message for everybody is that it is important to recognize you can hope for the best and plan for the worst.”

Not only is planning crucial, he said, but so is transparen­cy around the plan.

“Lack of transparen­cy creates the impression that there is something wrong or shameful in what we are doing. Nothing could be further from the truth. Triage plans are part of efforts to save lives and protect rights, particular­ly for the vulnerable. Why would we want to hide that?”

The message for everybody is that it is important to recognize you can hope for the best and plan for the worst.

 ??  ?? Dr. Swapnil Hiremath
Dr. Swapnil Hiremath
 ??  ?? Dr. James Downar
Dr. James Downar

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