Ottawa Citizen

Biles' stance has made her an even greater role model


Re: “It's no surprise Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka hit their limits at Olympics,” July 27

Last Friday morning I went into work early to watch the Olympic Opening with the youth who were on the in-patient unit. As the commentato­rs discussed the various athletes and their sports, the courage of Simone Biles came up. As a gymnast, Biles is physically courageous. One of the vaults she has developed is so dangerous that gymnasts get points just for trying it.

Biles' withdrawal from competitio­n to focus on her mental health is a reminder to all of us that the physical courage of a great athlete is the tip of the iceberg. The real courage, the greatest part of the fear they must overcome and the pressure they face, is mental. Underneath the grace and the perfect execution is a mental strength that is enviable.

When an athlete is injured physically, we see what is happening and the athlete has our support, but we are just learning about the mental injuries caused by competitio­n.

As you might expect, Biles faced a barrage of social media derision for her decision. Mental health is still not as worthy as physical health.

As someone whose patients are pretty much the same age as Biles, I know it takes courage to acknowledg­e mental health struggles — especially your own. My young patients understood perfectly what Biles had to face to speak about her mental health. With her dignified revelation and her subsequent support of her team, she became a much more powerful role model to young people. Dr. Gail Beck, Clinical Director, Youth Mental Health,

Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre

 ?? LOIC VENANCE /AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? American gymnast Simone Biles's withdrawal from competitio­n to focus on her mental health has made her an even more powerful role model to young people, Dr. Gail Beck writes.
LOIC VENANCE /AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES American gymnast Simone Biles's withdrawal from competitio­n to focus on her mental health has made her an even more powerful role model to young people, Dr. Gail Beck writes.

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